Chapter 8 Minds

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"I can't believe this," Killian's joy interrupts any other thoughts in the moment, as he wraps around Regina for another hug. "We should tell Henry together," He said. "We will, wow, look at you I think I just took a hundred years off you," Regina smiled.

Molly felt happy for this version of Hook and Regina, they clearly would be good parents. It made her ache a bit though, for her Papa in Wish Realm. 

She watched the pair affectionately hug and kiss and take hands as they walked to Granny's. "Are you going to name it Molly?" Molly inquired. 

"Uhh, I hadn't thought, if it's a girl kind of makes sense," Regina smiled. "Wow, two of me," Molly smiled. "Your Papa still drink rum?" Killian teased. "Very funny, I wasn't too bad," Molly smiled. 

As they enter Granny's. Henry is at the counter, having a soda. "Uhh Everyone!" Killian says. "We have an announcement," Killian said, really unable to contain his joy. 

"Killian..." Regina whispers. "What's going on?" Emma asked.

"I think I know, she's glowing," Mary Margaret smiled. "Of course she would figure it out," Regina rolled her eyes. 

"Yes, Regina is expecting, we're having a baby," Killian smiled proudly. The entire group congratulated them, and Henry hugged Regina tightly. "I'll tell them all the stories," Henry smiled. Regina pressed her forehead against his. 

"Well let's celebrate!" David called out. 

"We always have to celebrate," Emma smiled, "Congratulations," She wished them. "Thank you," Regina smiled.

"So that's why Molly said you had trouble deciding an outfit?" Killian asked. "Yeah umm, about that I wanted to talk to you about that," Regina said. 

The pair were interrupted once more, and then again and again, with congratulations from everyone in town. Dusk fell on Granny's before the pair got a moment together. 

"So your outfit changes?" Killian asked. "Yeah, about that, I'm not sure what she's talking about," Regina said. "Well perhaps you just don't remember changing," He suggested. "There's a lot of different things going on when one is expecting right?" He asked.

"Well, maybe, it was a pretty busy morning, but I don't think so Killian," Regina looked up at him. "You think someone is disguising is you?" he worried.

"Something is off," Regina thought. "Where's Molly?" Regina looked into the vibrant group at Granny's. Henry was chatting to Emma, Mary M and David, no Molly. 

"Bloody hell where is she?" Killian looked around. 

*muffled sounds*

"Mmm!!!" Molly struggled feeling the bitter fabric between her teeth. "Shh!" he scolds, as she kicks and struggles to get from the grasp of her kidnapper. 

"Everyone quiet!" Regina yelled, and the group stared at her startled. Listening intently, they heard glass break somewhere outside. "Let's go," Regina rushes out of Granny's, with Killian tight to her and the others following.

"What's going on?" David asks. "Molly's missing, spread out," Regina said. "Ok we'll go this way," Emma and Mary M head off, Zelena and Henry another, and Regina and Killian together. 

As the group splits in directions with weapons, they urgently look for any trace of the teen girl. 

"I can't believe this Killian, we should have been watching her," Regina worried as they rushed around the streets. "We were, we were all there," Killian defended.

"I should have paid more attention, someone clearly was being me," Regina said. "Yes well how many people can just glamour spell like this, aside from you, and Zelena and Rumple?" Killian asked.

"Many witches can," Regina shook her head. 

They come to around the back corner of Granny's. "Wait, Regina look," Killian says kneeling down, and seeing scrapes. "What's that?" She asked. "Looks like her boots, I know that, because they're the same as mine," He stands again and looked around in the dim light. 

"They went this way," He points. "How do you know?" She asked. "The sword," he shines a flashlight, which bounces off the hilt of the sword that Molly dropped.

"You think she dropped that on purpose?" Regina asked. "She may have, to lead us, or she was forced to," he said walking forward. "I'll call David and the others to get them to the forest," Regina said.

"Don't go blaming yourself love, she was in my charge just as much," He said. "Well let's hope she's got that Jones Mills fire in her to fight," Regina said to him. 

Molly was sixteen, but she indeed had been through enough and knew how to fight. She was her father's daughter and has his survival skills. 

As the lantern lit in front of her bright eyes, she blinked and looked around. 

"Now, I'll take that out if you don't scream," he said. Molly nodded at him and he tugged the fabric from between her teeth. 

She moved her mouth, and stared at her abductor. A typical Jones, she rolls her eyes and spits in his eye. "Ah, sassy child," he stands angrily moving away from her. 

Molly looks around wondering where she is. It's familiar. 

The search group is in the forest, with flashlights as they all reach Regina's vault. "Okay we have a problem here," Regina said holding her hand up.

"What?" Killian asked. "It's been opened, and it's sealed with blood magic," Regina looked at everyone. 

"Well don't look at me, I'm with you," Zelena defended to everyone. "Regina what are you thinking?" Killian asked.

"It's her," Regina looked at them. "Who?" Emma asked. "It's the Evil Queen," She stated. "How? I put her back in the book," Henry shrugged.

"Something happened, no one else can open this vault," Regina said. "Perhaps we should go inside," Killian draws his sword.

"No no, she will kill you first," Regina said. "I'm not about to let her hurt my other self's kid," Killian said. "We don't even know if it's her Regina," Mary M argued. 

In the vault 

"Bloody hell who are you even? You don't even know me here," Molly spoke up. "Is that so?" he asked. 

"Yeah that's so, I don't know who you are, and you aren't the same man who killed my mother," Molly said.

"Well that is true," he mused and nodded. A grin crossed his face. Molly blinked her eyes and suddenly in front of her. 

"That's because I AM your mother," The Evil Queen smiled. "Did you miss me?" She giggled. 

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