Chapter 7 Hurry

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In the Wish Realm

Killian attempted to understand and tried not to worry himself sick not being watchful over Molly himself. If this realm she was in possessed a copy of him, only a bit younger, he could only try to believe the other version would protect her as his own.

He wondered if there was a way he could get to this land she spoke of in her bottle messages to him. Then began his quest in doing just that, attempting to get to Storybrooke, himself.

In Storybrooke

Regina finding the dagger made her a bit more antsy and of course Killian read off of her. As he headed down the stairs, he finally removed his sword, and tucked into the kitchen.

"She's asleep, child has bested me three days in a row, and I'm becoming slightly disappointed in myself," he sulked jokingly. "Well you want a baby you're going to have to keep up, aren't you?" Regina asked.

"That is true," he gently tugged her to his lap. "So come on, I know something is going on, you been certainly protective over her," Killian said.

"Well, that day on the ship, I heard something and then found a dagger in the boathouse," Regina said. "So you think someone was watching us?" Killian asked. "Yes," She sighed.

"Well, that man, who looks sort of like Molly described, in the vague description she had, wasn't really much of anything suspicious." Killian said. "Well that's good," Regina shrugged. "However," Killian began.

"Oh no, what?" Regina worried. "He mentioned something I couldn't quite understand," Killian scowled.

"What?" Regina asked. "Something about when his work was done, finally he could go home," Killian said. "Hmm, nothing else?" Regina asked.

"No, other than that it was your basic bar talk," Killian said.

As the days passed by, Molly would send her Papa Hook messages in the bottle everyday so he didn't think she was completely mad discussing this world with copies of him and her mother.

Regina and Killian stayed tight to Molly and somewhat relaxed given nothing had happened in the days.

A little over two weeks had passed by since Molly arrived, and she was on the ship, with Killian. "Ah bloody hell, forgot my phone," He said. "Is that the strange talking device?" Molly asked. "Yes," Killian nodded.

"I'll go get it," Molly offered. "Uhh I .." he began. "You know if I didn't know any better, I would say you and Regina are babysitting me like I'm a child," Molly crosses her arms.

Killian furrows his brows at the child's expression, tipping his head up. "Why do you think that?" He asked. "Because you mostly won't leave my side unless I'm sleeping, remember your other version is not too different," Molly hinted.

"Is that so?" He asked. "Yeah, when he was worried, and frankly ever since Mum died, he's been pacing outside my room at night, worrying, and he hasn't let me go very far," She said.

Killian sighed, "Ok, think I left it on the doorway table," he said. "Ok, I'll be back," Molly said trotting off.

Molly headed through town and towards Regina's house. Going through the door, she spotted the phone just where he said it would be. "Pirates, at least they have a sharp memory of their belongings," Molly mused and picked it up.

Thinking a sound was heard upstairs, her curiosity led her up towards the master bedroom. Killian's larger jacket, just like her Papa's was draped over a chair. She couldn't help touch it between her fingers.

Closing her eyes, she imagined he was there, all the times she felt that coat against her in a hug, soothed her.

As she went towards the bathroom, probably her most favorite thing about this modern world, for obvious reasons, she noticed a white stick on the sink. Picking it up she looked at the interesting piece of plastic.

It was small, thin, white and had two pink lines on it and Molly read a tiny space that said 'Pregnant.'

She knew what that word meant, but the device was awkward to her so she placed it down. She shuffled back down the stairs, figuring if this version of Hook was like her Papa, he would worry if she didn't return soon.

"Oh Molly," Regina faced her, as she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh sorry, didn't you see there," Molly said. "It's alright, you forget something?" Regina asked. "No, were you wearing that earlier?" Molly asked.

"Oh I just changed, can't seem to make up my mind today," Regina said. "Oh, well given your condition, I'm not surprised I suppose," Molly said.

Regina quirked her face at her, "Have to get the Captain his talking device," Molly said. "See you at lunch?" Molly poked back in, "Yes," Regina nodded, and Molly shut the door heading off.

As Molly got back to the ship, she hands Killian his phone. "Was beginning to..." he said. "Worry, remember I know you... sort of," Molly quirked.

"So, you're going to have one then," Molly stated. "Have what?" He asked. "A baby, that's what pregnant means right?" Molly asked.

"What are you talking about?" He asked. "I saw a white stick in the bathroom at your place, it said pregnant," Molly told him.

He gaped at her, like a codfish, without speech, and Regina shuffled onto the deck.

"Hey pirates," Regina greeted. "Uhh, what's this the child is talking about?" Killian asked. "What?" Regina shrugged.

"Something about a white stick reading Pregnant on it?" He furrowed his brow. "Oh, that," Regina smiled at him.

"Wait? Are we?" he asked. "Well I don't know about you, but I am," Regina joked. "Really? We're going to have a baby?" He asked.

"Yes we are," Regina smiled. Killian grinned, overjoyed and kissed her deeply. Molly averted her eyes, which she did with her parents back in wish realm too when they acted like this. Then again, to see a version of her father so happy and in love, was touching.

"So lunch?" Regina asked. "Indeed, think we worked up an appetite," Killian smiled, wrapping around her tightly. "Henry is meeting us," Regina informed.

Molly hopped down following along, "So you really couldn't decide what to wear?" Molly asked.

"What do you mean?" Regina asked.

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