14 - Vivid

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"Oh how you shine, with a heart full of moonlight and a soul full of stars" - Unknown


Ugh, I can't even look at him right now. Do you hate me so much, universe?

Yue has been pacing around in the bathroom of the master suite for the last five minutes, flushed in the face.

They were filming a CaiSi bed scene today. It was originally scheduled to be done in Corfu a few days from now but the director liked their current hotel for its spacious rooms and wide windows that was best for good lighting, so just like that, they were going to film here instead.

But before they could even get solid seconds into the scene, Yue jumped out of the bed and walked out of the set in a rush, leaving the whole crew baffled, staring at Dylan.

Yue was supposed to be livid. 

She went to bed last night livid, she woke up still livid.

She was furious at Dylan because of how he ambushed her last night with all is feelings then not letting her say her side. She was furious at herself for allowing him to walk away and not let her speak.

She was furious because she was now forced to look at him like he was the love of her life, kiss him like she wanted to have a baby with him when all she wanted to do was scream and hit him.

But she wasn't anymore. Because the moment she bumped into Dylan this morning, all her anger vanished. All the words she had prepared to throw at him were suddenly forgotten.

Now, she was a ball of nerves and panic.

"I have to be half naked in bed with him?! You have to be kidding me!" she complained to no one as she stared at her pink cheeks in the mirror, fixing her hair and her robe. 

She looked out the adjacent window where the sound of birds, running water and paradise played outside. It was a beautiful morning along the Athens Riviera but Yue couldn't appreciate any of it because all she could think about right now was that smug look on Wang He Di's face when he greeted her as if what happened last night was nothing. His demeanor really didn't help at all, he acted like he was a hero by confessing and tell her he'd wait.

She couldn't understand why she was this affected when in fact Dylan proclaimed to her exactly what her heart was hoping for. But here she was, knots on her forehead, unable to keep her steady footing.

"AAARRGHH. Didi!" she continued her complaint, opening the faucet to splash water on her face.

A soft persistent knock on the door pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Shen Yue? Are you okay?"

It was the voice of the person who was making her blood rush to her cheeks.

"Shen Yue?" he knocked again. "Are you alright?"


The nerve of him to even ask this.

She pursed her lips, wiped her face and opened the door to come face to face with Dylan who was leaning on the door frame.

"ALRIGHT?" her eyes turned into slits as she repeated what he asked, her voice loaded with sarcasm.

Then without thinking, she grabbed the collar of his robe and pulled him in with her, pinning him to the door when she closed it behind him.

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