19 - Lucent

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"Why else love if not to feel stars exploding in our veins." – Butterflies Rising


On-set fan visits have always been one of the highlights in every drama's journey to completion. It is a time when the cast and crew receive much love and appreciation for the hard work they have been doing so far, where they can look forward to meeting the legions of followers who have been key in keeping their careers afloat. It is a time to give back to them for all the love they have been sending, a time to connect and celebrate with them.

The fan visit for this particular season was to be done the day they would film the engagement party of XiMen and XiaoYou, meaning a lot of the cast members from the first installment of their Meteor Garden would be joining, including the likes of Dong Xin (Li Zhen), Liu Yinhao (QingHe), Sun Yihan (Jing), Blake Abbie (Thomas), Jin HaoZhen (Yan Zhibu) and Sun Qian (XiaoZi). It was another mini reunion for the old friends that they haven't seen in a while.

Because of this, everyone was excited and full of energy for the upcoming activities of the day. Everyone was looking forward to the celebration.

Everyone...well, maybe except for one.

Yue was biting the inside of her cheek to stop herself from getting up, storming across the room and break out in tantrums.

She was up to the brim with her suffering, forced to hide her rekindled relationship with Dylan a little longer.

A few days ago, both their agencies had already given their approval for them to go public. Their only deal was that they would need to do it in the Meteor Garden press conference.

She had three days left.

It was the easiest compromise. It really was just a short wait left. Really.

She had done this already... for three years even.

They were together anyway, she got to hug and kiss him when they got home. She got to hear him say how much he missed her again. She got to tell him how much she missed him too.

So it really shouldn't be that hard, right?

But Yue was squirming in her seat while the rest of the cast were talking and catching up, having such a great time.

In front and center was of course that man who has reclaimed her heart once again. Everyone was (as usual) drawn to his presence, his smile, his laughter, his energy. Who wouldn't be?


Dylan, who also had no choice but to hide their relationship for one more week.

Dylan, who told her that he couldn't wait to declare his love for her to the world.

Dylan, who complained that he wouldn't be able to brag about her to their friends or their fans today.

Dylan, who bitterly agreed to their arrangement to steer clear of each other on set so that it wouldn't be obvious that they were hiding.

The same Dylan who was being extra nice and friendly to everyone.

The same Dylan who was looking impeccably handsome right now.

The same Dylan who was doing such a darn good job at "ignoring" her and having too much fun with...

"Didi! They said you were supposed to audition for "Lightning Strikes Twice", what happened? We could have been working together again!" Sun Qian chirped at Dylan.

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