23 - Radiant

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to me you'll always be the rising suns, the sinking moons, and all the stars that come between, the sound of rain and river stones, the warmth of my sheets, the ache in my bones - tyler kent white


Dylan was back on the rooftop again.

Hours had already passed since he last heard Yue's voice, but he still had not changed, eaten, nor did he stop calling and messaging her. His phone's battery was almost drained; he was almost drained.

But he refused to stop.

He wasn't allowed to fly back to Shanghai, but even if he could, there weren't any flights available for him to take him to her fast enough anyway. He has been going back and forth to her assigned hotel several times to check if she had arrived. All their friends were in Changsa and couldn't check on her, even Yangjin didn't know where she was.

Everything was amiss.

The low murmur of Beijing buzzed below him, lights from a number of cars zipping by hypnotized him as he stared at nothing in particular.

Beijing didn't rest. His mind couldn't rest. His heart even more so.

He was assured that they were looking for Jin and he hoped and prayed to the heavens above that he didn't harm her in any way. He would never be able to forgive that man, or himself if anything had happened to her.

He peered at his phone that vibrated in his hand, he only had 5% left.

Where are you, Shen Yue?

It was way past midnight but Hao had agreed to let him stay.

"I'm still here, Yue. I'll wait for you. I always will."

He typed for the nth time, sending another message that she may not even see.

Dylan sighed as his screen flickered out, signaling the last moment that his phone would be of use.

He couldn't believe this was happening again.

He remembered that heavy ache in his heart the last time he was here. The feeling of longing, the emptiness of not having Yue anymore. The resignation he once felt when he thought he was years too late.

Looking back, he realized that almost gave up on them.

But the universe was funny that way.

If it wasn't for his own stupidity that caused his career to go off track, he wouldn't even have had the chance to talk to Yue again. It was that little push he needed to find the resolve that he couldn't live without her in his life.

He needed her, career be damned. From the beginning it was never just about him or the show.

He loved her, wanted her forgiveness, wanted her back in any way he could.

And by some fate, he succeeded, far more than he expected to.

But were all the steps they have taken to this day all for naught?

Did that piece of information which he failed to clear with her ruin their second chance?

After everything they have been through, could she really just believe Jin and all his lies?


Hao had returned.

"Just a little longer, ge. Please?" Dylan pleaded. He wasn't ready to go just yet.

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