Chapter One

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The cold blade pierces your pale skin as you smile at the pain that you know you deserve. Blood stains cover the sink. You look in the mirror and think to yourself, "who would ever want to be with you? Who would ever want to try to understand? Who would want to keep you alive? You're ugly and emo and too depressed to live anymore..." Tears fill your eyes, after you finish your pain fest you start to write the letter;

To whom this may concern,

My name is F/M/L and I have decided to end my life tonight.
This isn't an act of aggression or vengeance towards anyone I just feel like I don't have a place here and I don't think I ever did. I'd prefer to change my end before the end finds me. I used to be afraid to write something like this but I'm not scared, I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not here to prove some point in order to justify why I did this or what my ultimate purpose was for coming into this world. Because I've concluded that I never found my purpose. I tried my absolute hardest to push the feelings of worthlessness off of me but I can't fight it anymore. I would say I'm sorry but I'm NOT. This was for me and while that may sound selfish, I pushed everyone away years ago.

"Just leave the letter on the fridge and take the pills," you whisper to yourself. After quietly walking to the kitchen, you hang the envelope on the refrigerator with the old butterfly magnet you made during art in the second grade for your roommate to find later. You open your phone to twitter and decide to tweet your last goodbyes. "GOODBYE SUCKY HUMANITY, I'M FINALLY LEAVING HELL. HAVE A GOOD LIFE PEOPLE. WHAT A WORLD WOWIE." You set the phone down, ignoring the multiple notifications you're receiving, and walk to the medicine cabinet taking the full bottle of antidepressants, pouring some into your hand and counting them, "35," you say.

After putting the pills in your mouth and washing them down with water, you turn on the shower settings to cold and sit in the stream of water, patiently waiting for your life to end. You hear your phone ringing and, out of old habits, look over to see who it is. It's Jake. You start to cry, you know you're being selfish but you also know everyone's life would be better without you.

Your vision starts to blur, from the tears and the pills, you read the new text message from Jake, "Y/F please don't do this. No one wants this. I can't lose you please," then he sends another one, "PLEASE I LOVE YOU DON'T DO THIS." Your body starts to hurt from the pills but you also feel yourself going numb, "I'M SO SORRY!" you scream, most likely waking up your roommate. As you sit in the shower you start to fall asleep, awaiting your ending. Then it happens all at once, you feel the pain, and the numbness, and the regret, but you can't stop now, it's too late. You see (roommate's name/not Jake though that comes later LuLz) run into the bathroom trying to get to you, as she/he picks you up you finally fall into the sleep you've been waiting for years to come, the sleep in which you'll never wake up from, the sleep that will end all the pain and suffering.

Jake Bateman X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now