Chapter Three

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You woke up in a bed, but it wasn't a hospital bed, it was Jake's bed. You sit up and look around the room, you see Jake sleeping on the floor and sigh, you hate when people give things up for you. There's a note on the desk;

Salutations, you were allowed to be released from the hospital but I didn't want to wake you. I hope you don't mind me bringing you here. -Jake

You quietly make your way to the bathroom and look at yourself in the mirror, you still feel ugly. You were lost in thought when someone came up behind you and put their hands around your waist, you looked into the mirror and saw Jake standing behind you.

"Good morning beautiful," he says. You look down at your cut up arms, "you don't need to lie to me," you say. "Trust me, I'm not lying. Even after just waking up you still manage to look pretty....really pretty," he says. You blush and turn so you're facing him, "I don't believe you." He moves your head so you're looking at him as he smiles, "you look amazing okay? Don't believe me? Ask Geoff!" You laughed at that perfect parx joke, "okay," you say smiling and blushing.

"Are you hungry?" he asks. You were always insecure about your body, you hadn't eaten in a while. The thought of food sounded nice but you kindly declined seeing as you didn't want to gain any weight, even though you were under the average weight. "I'm good, thanks though." Jake seemed to hesitate before he just nodded and said, " what do you wanna do today?" "I don't got any good movies?" you ask. "Does Nightmare Before Christmas sound good?" he asked. "Yea," you say with a small smile.

You spend the day watching movies while cuddling in bed. Your hand is laced together with Jake's as you lay your head on his chest. He kisses the top of your head, you look up into his impossibly beautiful eyes, "you missed.." you say. "Errr huh...?" he says. You pause before closing the space between your lips, kissing him sweetly. You slowly pull away, blushing. You look up at Jake and bite your lip to hide your smile. He's looking at you, not even attempting to hide his smile, "I enjoyed that, thank you. We should do that again," he says.

You giggle and hide your face in his shirt. He laughs and starts to play with your hair while you finish watching whatever movie was currently playing. You could care less about the movie, you just kissed Jake and he enjoyed it. You fell asleep smiling, once again in Jake's arms.

Salutations humans and aliens. I guess this is like an authors note thing? Idk. This is my first story that I'm uploading onto wattpad. I used to write short stories on twitter but then my female parental started following me so I deleted them. Anyways I don't have a crush on Jake, I don't develop feelings for anyone who's a lot older than me because I'm just not like that haha this was just something someone asked for. Hope you enjoy. I'll be uploading every day or every other day depending on how sucky school is. Also sorry if this story is not that great I don't know how to write this kind of stuff oopsies.

-definitely not your brand new obsession

It's whatever LoL

Jake Bateman X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now