Chapter 10: A Lurid Rerun

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Unbreakable by Jamie Scott is the song for this chapter :)


The next day when Noah, Angelo, and believe it or not, Mum and Arii, arrived at the hospital, I had been prepped for my MRI scan at 1pm and have been nil by mouth coming up to the sixth hour.

   "Oh my God Keane," Arii cried, dashing over to me, "Look at you,"

"Honey I'm okay...I mean I will be okay once I'm out of here but...I'm a fighter kid. You know that, you won't ever keep me down and out,"

"I didn't want to go back home after I found out what happened to you, but we home made me..."

"And I'm glad they did. Education is vitally important and it also meant you were safe, but enough of me. How was Europe?"

  "I'm sorry I didn't contact you more I..."

   "Arii. It's okay. I promise,"

"But I..."

"Arii. It is okay. I look forward to hearing many stories about your adventures," she smiled and I squeezed her hand,

"I look forward to telling you," I noticed how Mum and Dad were acting all nicey nicey for Arii's sake. It was evident to see however how strained their relationship was. I was thankful to be whipped off for my MRI.


7pm soon came around and I had had my MRI and CT scan, full blood work and X-rays done. The outcome being: a hairline fracture to my skull, non-life threatening and will heal on its own. My previously dislocated shoulder had become departed and needed surgery to reconstruct it. I had a new fracture, a simple transverse (I say simple, it was going to severely affect my recovery time, 3 fractures in one leg is insane) in my leg on top of my comminuated and oblique fractures that hadn't healed yet, a partial stress fracture and I knew exactly when it happened, it however, also needed surgery to speed up the recovery process, whereby they'd add some metal pins. Fantastic. My immune system was on its last leg, they were amazed I was still an able to function. It required medication and I needed to keep my fluids up so I was on an IV, this would also help with the infection sitting on my chest. All of this was enhanced due to only having half a spleen, the site where the surgery occurred wasn't healing. So they will re-stitch it and I was told I couldn't have a shower or a bath for a while to allow it to heal over, only hand washed for a couple of weeks. Basically, I was a mess and everyone was panicking about my state. Who knows why? I was okay...considering. I was also tired, my body drained from the afternoon's events.

"There is no point in you all being here," I mumbled with my eyes closed, "I'm going to be out of it soon,"

"I'll go back with Arii and whoever else is coming," Mum, who everyone had been civil with the whole day, said,

  "Since you are basically asleep Keaney, I'll come back tomorrow to annoy you," Noah said kissing my forehead.

"I look forward to it," I told him eyes still shut, he smiled,

   "If you open your eyes you'll see I'm smiling,"

"I know you are," I answered too smiling.

   "Come on cutie, leave Keane in peace. I'll see you tomorrow,"

"Look after him," he chuckled at that,

   "Always," Arii came next and I still don't open my eyes, followed by Mum, she kissed my forehead but said nothing,

"I'll be back later son,"

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