Get Everyone

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Sirius woke up the next morning to a rush of Gryffindors heading to the Great Hall for breakfast. He yawns and heads up stair to change into clean robes and to meet up with the other marauders.

"Hey," Sirius says opening the door to see Remus on his own bed reading his History of Magic book, James brushing his hair in the mirror, and Peter still snoring. "Did you guys not think to wake up Wormtail?"

"I was just trying to give him the chance of more sleep," James says not even looking away from the mirror as Sirius chuckles and walks over shaking Peter.

"Wormtail, get up if you want breakfast," Sirius says and almost instantly Peter hops up and rushes into the bathroom to take a shower.

"Do you think I should show Lily the time-turner now or wait till later," James asks as he takes it out of his bedside table and puts it around his neck.

"I almost forgot you had that," Remus sighs shaking his head at James. "I think you should put it back, it's not something to play with."

"Just show her later, I think she's already at breakfast," Sirius sighs as they both ignore what Remus said to which Sirius receives a glare. Sirius just grins back at him, jumping onto the bed next to him. "What're you reading?"

"I'm reviewing for our History test today," Remus says not even pushing Sirius away when he wraps his arm around his shoulders. "Which you should be doing as well."

Sirius waves off his suggestion as he gets up and changes into new robes. "I'll be fine, I always am," Sirius chuckles when Peter comes running out ready to go to breakfast. "Wormtail! Ready to go?"

"Yeah," Peter sighs as they all head out of their dorm while James hides the time-turner in his shirt so no one sees it.

At breakfast James bothers Lily about having something he wants to show her. She is very reluctant, because this is James Potter, but she eventually agrees to meet them in their dorm room after classes. She only agreed if the other marauders would be there, mostly just Remus because she trusts him more than the others.

For the rest of the day James is pretty excited to show Lily what he had found except when he, along with Sirius and Peter, were failing their Magic of History test. To which afterwards Remus got to tell them, "I told you so."

When all their classes were over all five of them found themselves in the marauders's dorm room. "Alright, what do you have to show me?" Lily sighs looking at James with complete disinterest and her arms crossed over her chest.

James grins at her proudly as he pulls the time-turner out of his shirt. Her jaw goes slack and her mouth drops open as she stares openly at it. She flounders around a bit unable to actually say anything.

"Pretty cool, right?" James chuckles holding it up in front of his face so he can look at it closer.

"Pretty cool?" Lily repeats not even able to comprehend how he could possibly think something that dangerous was cool. "Are you BLOODY INSANE!?! Do you know how dangerous that thing is!?! You could erase all of us from existence if you change the past!"

"THAT'S what I told him," Remus adds his two sense in which wasn't quite a good idea as her focus was now on him.

"You know about this!" Lily shield making the werewolf cringe back a bit. "And you let him keep it!?!"

Remus is planning on saying something when he looks over at James with wide eyes.

While they had been fighting James had gotten bored and started looking at the time-turner and was getting curious at what would happen if he did turn it. So he starts to turn it multiple times jumping when he hears Remus yell, "Bloody 'ell!" Everyone turns to see James as he starts to turn it again rushing towards him. "Everyone grab on!"

In a big flash of light they are gone leaving only an empty room in their wake.

In an instant they land on the ground so hard their legs crumple underneath them and they fall to the ground. Lily lands on top of James making him smirk but she only rolls her eyes rolling off him. Remus lands the same way, on Sirius, making Sirius blush but there is no emotion on Remus's face. As Remus stands up off of him Sirius is actually hurt that being close to him doesn't actually effect him at all.

Peter is just a lump on the floor when he stands up groaning as he looks around. Everything looks the same but different, more modern if you will. "Guys, we're definitely not in Kansas anymore," Peter says to which the only laugh he gets is from Lily while the others look at him strange.

"I agree," Remus says looking around to see unknown Gryffindor's looking at them either in fear or confusion. But then two in particular catch their attention as they just stare at them in complete and utter shock. "Hello, what year is it?"

Almost instantly the girl snaps out of her stupor and shakes the younger looking boy. "Freddy, go get Uncle Harry and Teddy and...and EVERYONE!" The girl says punching his towards the door yet not taking her eyes off of them as they just stand there. "Um yes, hello."

With her response they don't think she heard their question so James decides to re-ask it, "Yes, hello. As my friend here previously asked, what year is it?"

"Oh, um, it's um 2018," The girl finally gets it out after stumbling over her words a bit.

"Wow! We truly are far from home," Lily chuckles grabbing and shaking Peter's shoulder to which he joins in her laughter.

"Oh no!" Remus exclaims anxiously bitting his lip and running his hand repeatedly through his hair. "This is not good at all! What if we change something!?!"

"Cal down, Moony!" Sirius says grabbing his shoulders and holding him still. "Everything is going to be completely fine."

James turns back to the girl with a smile asking what her name is. "Molly, my names Molly Weasley," She responds brightly.

"No Way!" Lily turns abruptly having heard her name. "Are you Molly and Arthur's daughter or granddaughter?"

Molly chuckles a bit before answering, "Granddaughter, I do believe them to be a bit too old to be having more babies."

James and Sirius break out laughing, once Sirius has finished calming Remus down. "I knew those two would end up together, Arthur is a blushing mess around Molly I never really doubted it," James says chuckling while Sirius agrees and Lily rolls her eyes.

Their attention is then drawn to the opening door and group of people rushing into the common room.

I do t know how good this is or if it seems a bit forced but I hope you are at least happy that I'm you guys

See you next week✌🏻

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