Bright Side

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I know I haven't updated in like two or three weeks now and I'm sorry I've just been on vacation and have had no clue what to write for this chapter. I hope it's okay but I don't know. *sigh😓*

They were up before there was a knock on the door and Harry stuck his head in to see them all awake. Well, the boys, because Lily was still in the bathroom getting ready.

"Good, you're up," Harry sighs as he gives them a small smile but shuts the door again so they can finish getting dressed. The marauders just looked back and forth between the door and each other a few times.

"Did you see how stressed he looked? That can't be healthy," Remus states looking at James who nods running his hand through his hair. "Still can't be believe he's your son though, seems too smart and some what serious."

"Hey!" James exclaimed pouting as he glares at Remus who just chuckles at his childishness.

"I'm kidding but seriously though," Remus says glancing at the door as Peter and Sirius chuckle.

"Well, I mean he's also Lily's kid so I guess that could explain it," Sirius responds shrugging as the others just nod. Lily then walks out fresh after a shower and clean clothes, in which she used her wand to clean them. The boys didn't even care about their clothes so they are still wearing the same clothes.

"Harry's waiting for us outside," Peter says and Lily nods her head at him as she grabs her robes off the bed and walks to the door.

She turns to see that the boys are still waiting and sighs, "Let's go them." They nod and follow after her.

Harry was left on the hall freaking out, he may have had his panic attack last night but that doesn't mean he can't have another one. He just can't believe that they are actually here in front of him. His parent and his god parents along with the one who ruins all of their lives, friends and here together.

Harry is just there freaking out when the door opens and he is forced to take deep breaths and run his fingers through his hair to calm himself. He gives them a weak smile as he turns to see Rose and Scorpius walking towards him. He grins at his son who returns it a little shyly as he glances at those behind Harry.

"So, we should head to breakfast don't you think, and you two still have classes today," Harry says before pointing at the kids now beside him who playfully frown rolling their eyes. "Hey don't roll your eyes at me, I bet you still haven't finished that essay due in Herbology today, you know Professor Longbottom doesn't appreciate late work."

Scorpius's back goes stiff and a fake smile appears on his face though Rose doesn't seem fazed. But then she looks him and smacks his arm. "Really? You said you finished it yesterday," Rose demands, crossing her arms and looking at him with a judging look.

"Well," He says dragging it out before chuckling nervously. "I was working on it but I may have fallen asleep doing it and when I woke up in the middle of the night I forgot to finish it and instead headed up to go to sleep."

"You we're doing it in the common room?" Rose asks her eyebrows scrunching together. He never does it in the common room because some Slytherins aren't the fondest of Potters, still. Even if he is married to a Slytherin and a Malfoy at that.

"Yeah, one of my roommates was," He pauses for a second glancing at Harry who is looking straight ahead but totally eavesdropping. "participating in extracurricular activities and I couldn't really concentrate."

Rose gags as snickering is heard behind them as all the marauders all laugh, except Remus. "That sounds like something Remus would do because Sirius is being too rowdy," Peter laughs receiving a glare from James and Sirius, mad he said what all of them were thinking.

Sirius looks at Remus as an unhappy look sets on his face as they continue to walk. None of this is going to help him with Remus, not like it can though as Remus seems to have a kid with someone.

"So, when do I get to meet my son-in-law," James states out of nowhere and Harry's head snaps to look at him. He seems worried before a smile grows on his face as he looks at his dad.

"Probably this Saturday since he works at Saint Mungos and has this weekend off," Harry smiles brightly, finally seeing the bright side to this situation. Draco can finally meet his parents and positively meet his godparents.

They eventually make it to the dining hall to see five tables instead of just four. "What is this table for?" Lily ask looking at it weird as it isn't as big as the others but it is also perpendicular to the way the other tables are set.

"Well, Minnie has favorites," Harry chuckles rolling his eyes as he walks up to the odd table and it is Sean that all of the Weasley's are sitting there. Either in their matching Gryffindor robes or in another house.
"So this is just for you guys," Remus ask looking up at Harry to smiles down at him.

"Well, some of them like to bring friends but they are required to sit here, they can sit with their houses anytime they want," Harry says and they nod in understanding as they sit down at the table getting waves and nods from he other students. Harry then looks down the table and chuckles. "James."

A little boy that seems to be a little young, but not by much, grins at him and walks over happily to give him a hug. "Hi dad," James smilesat his dad then turns to smirk at the marauders.

"Well, this is my second oldest," Harry chuckles as James reaches his hand out for them to shake it.

"James Severus Potter, at your service," He says grinning as their faces show complete and utter shock. James gags as Lily just stares up at her son.

"Why did you name my grand baby after snivillous!?!" Sirius rxvlaims in a fake old lady voice making Harry chuckle shaking his head at him.

"Well, he's one of the bravest men I've ever met besides my husband of course,"Harry states simply as Teddy then walks in and they sit across from the marauders changing the subject once again.

I know it's bad and I'm sorry about that but I'm going to post this today and get o w out on Saturday as well to try and make up for not posting. I know I'm not getting to a lot that I need to get and keep pushing it off. I'm just worried it won't be very good when I write it and you guys won't really like it. 😰😰

See you next chapter✌🏻

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