How Many Weasleys?

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Scorpius had had such a tiring day, having had three tests and since he stayed up late the previous night to finish an essay. Scorpius simply wants to just sit down with his dad and have a nice cup of soothing tea.

"I'm so tired," Scorpius complains as he tries to keep his eyes open while taking another sip of his tea.

Harry chuckles as he watches his exhausted son across from him try not to fall asleep. "Maybe you shouldn't wait till the night before to finish an 15in essay," Harry chides knowing full well how hypocritical he is being.

"Look who's talking Mister 'wait till the last second before he starts to write the entire essay' Potter," Scorpius says smirking at his father proud of his own retort.

Harry smiles fondly at his son seeing that smirk makes him think of his husband. Who is currently working hard, as always, at the hospital. Merlin, does he love that smirk. "Yes, Yes, I know how I was and I don't want you to be like that," Harry states crossing his arms and staring at his son sternly.

"Then don't keep assigning us essays and I won't," Scorpius responds rolling his eyes at his dad.

"Trust me, I never believed it when I was in school but you learn so mush from writing essays. There were things that I would say that I didn't even know I knew when I was an auror," Harry explains though, as most kids do, Scorpius doesn't believe one word coming out of his dad's mouth.

When all of a sudden Fred bursts into Harry's office unannounced and out of breath. As he's panting and trying to get air into his lungs Scorpius and Harry just look at him confused. "Are you alright, Freddy?" Scorpius asks getting up from his seat.

But Fred only waves him off as he finally speaks, "Go to the Gryffindor common room we have some guests." Then instantly he's running out of the room.

Harry and Scorpius look at each other not moving for a few moments not sure what to do. Are they bad guests? Or unusual? Or is he just over reacting?

"Well, should we go?" Scorpius asks standing next to Harry who nods but takes his wand out for defense just incase.

"Alright, Let's go," Harry nods as they head out in the direction of the common room. When they get there a lot of the Weasley children are already there about to head into the common room. "Be careful."

When they open the door the air is about knocked of Harry's lungs. What? How is this possible. Harry gasps, his hand covering his mouth as he stares at the five teenagers standing in the middle of the room.

Harry steps through the small group of Weasleys to be closer and to see if his eyes are playing tricks on him. "How?" Harry asks though if his brain would process correctly he'd know exactly how they got there.

"Time-turner," James responds simply as he shrugs and Harry only nods dumbly.

"Dad, calm down," Scorpius says grabbing Harry's arm trying to pull him out of his shock and stop the panic attack he knows is coming.

Harry starts to hyperventilate to which he rasps out, "I can't breathe." Scorpius in turn guides him to sit on the couch to help him gain his bearings while Scorpius confronts his family.

"Hello," Scorpius says smiling at them. "I'm Scorpius, it's nice to meet you."

He reaches out his hand for one of them to shake which Lily is the first to step up. "Nice to meet you, I'm Lily, and I know none of these fools," She says pointing to the four boys behind her making everyone laugh even Harry, a little.

"Hey!" James exclaims pouting and crossing his arms. After a few seconds he steps up next to her and introduces himself as well. "I'm James Potter." Then Sirius, Peter, and Remus step forward and he introduces them in that order.

"I'm Rose Weasley," She says stepping up besides Scorpius grabbing his hand to comfort him knowing he is probably freaking out on the inside. Who wouldn't be if their long dead grandparents are young, alive teenagers standing in front of them?

"Are you two sisters?" Remus asks gesturing between the two girls who look quite different. Though Rose has bright red hair and Molly has brown hair.

"Cousins, actually," Rose answers glancing at Molly as they both chuckle. At this point Teddy and Fred walk in, leaving Teddy absolutely speechless with tears in his eyes.

"How many of you are Weasleys?" Sirius asks to the group to which 7 of them, including Rose and Molly, raise their hands. "Bloody 'ell, how many kids did they have?"

"Seven," Fred answers stepping out of the group, a large grin on his face.

"And how many grandchildren?" Lily asks continuing the questioning.

It takes Fred too long to answer so one of the girls in the group calls out, "Nine!" Then she smiles at all of them. "I'm Domonique, by the way. And that's my little brother Louis." She points at the boy behind her who in turn sticks his tongue at her when she isn't looking.

"Your Christmases must be crazy," James chuckles just thinking about it.

"Oh, you have know idea, I think it's probably around thirty people each year, maybe more," Another girl with blond hair says stepping up beside Domonique. "I'm Lucy, Molly's sister."

"Your house must be large then," Peter adds making everyone hold their breath for a second unsure what to do but quickly breathes not wanting to give everything away.

"No, Grandma and Grandpa's house isn't necessarily big, I mean it's tall but people usually bring their own tents to have more family privacy. Then we all meet inside for presents and dinner," Rose explains making the marauders plus Lily nod in understanding. Makes sense.

Then something clicks in Lily's mind and she turns her attention to Scorpius asking, "You didn't raise your hand. If you're not a Weasley who are you?"

Scorpius hesitates for a second glancing at his dad before answering, "A Potter."

"No way!" Sirius cheers grinning and shaking James as he stares at Scorpius in shock.

"Not to sound rude or anything, but you look nothing like James," Lily bits squinting her eyes, the same green as his, as she tries to see anything of James's in his face.

"I guess that's kind of my father's fault," Scorpius chuckles seeing Harry's shoulders tense up not quite ready to talk about all this quite yet.

"So, I have a girl?" James ask quietly looking at his grandson right before his eyes.

"Not exactly," Scorpius draws out biting his lip before turning to Harry. "Dad, some help."

All five of them turn to look at Harry with wide eyes as he turns to stare at them with his bright green eyes. "What do you mean it's because of your dad, he looks so much like James?" Sirius says chuckling looking at Scorpius as if he was just joking with them. Sending a happy smile towards the man on the couch.

"No," Scorpius says glancing at Harry to which he nods sighing as he runs his hands through his now even more messy locks. "I said my father not my dad."

Lily and Remus stare at him with wide eyes after a few seconds of thought while James and Sirius are just plain confused. "Isn't that the same thing?" James asks more confused then ever before.

Scorpius swallows loudly starting to sweat. "Um, not when you have two of them," Scorpius responds reluctantly.

After a few moments of thought Sirius's eyes widen in understanding and James's jaw drops. "What!?!"

Sorry if this whole book turns out really bad in the end, I'm basically winging this entire thing. I mean I did that with the other book as well but even then I had an idea of how I wanted it to go. But here I'm just going...

Anywho, see you next chapter✌🏻

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