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When Harry reaches his office he all but breaks down in tears. His breathing is fast and his eyes are blurry as he walks to the fireplace flooing home. When he walks out Draco is sitting on the love seat reading a book with his reading glasses perched on his nose.

Harry sniffles drawing Draco's attention to which he sets his book aside and removes his glass. "What's wrong, love?" Draco asks opening his arms to him and Harry drops into his lap and burst out into tears, crying into Draco's neck.

"What happened?" Draco asks hugging him tightly to his chest trying to take some of his husbands pain. What could cause this? He hasn't been like this since his last nightmare a couple months ago.

"They're here," Harry chokes out gripping Draco's shoulders tightly trying to gain control over his breath as he starts to hyperventilate once again.

"Who?" Draco whispers as he rubs soothing circles on his back as it seems to help bring him away from the edge of his anxiety attack.

"My parents, Sirius, Remus, ...Peter," Harry mumbles against his neck not wanting to pull away but to just stay in Draco's arms forever.

"What?" Draco asks completely shocked he pulls Harry back a little and stares into his bright green eyes. Tears are still swimming in his eyes and streams are still apparent on his face. "Oh sweetheart."

Draco pulls him into a comforting kiss as he continues to rub his back. People like to compare Draco to his father when he's outside of his house because he tends to show emotions to no one but his family. But truthfully he very good at understanding his family's emotions.

They just sit there in silence as the only sound is of Harry crying. Eventually he takes a deep breath and is able to wipe away his tears to calm down. "Are they in bed?" Harry whispers still breathing deeply.

"Yeah, but we can go say goodnight to them," Draco says softly and Harry smiles kissing his lips slowly.

"Yeah," is all Harry says as they both stand up and walk up the stairs heading to James's room first.

As they open the door they see James quickly cover himself with his covers pretending to sleep. Harry just smiles at him as he walks over and sits on the edge of his bed before talking, "What are you still doing up, bud. It's past your bed time."

It stays quiet for a moment before James throws off his covers and looks at Harry worriedly. "I was asleep but I heard you when you go here. Wade you okay, dad?" James says getting up on his knees and cupping both sides of Harry's face. Harry's a little surprised he could hear him with how big the mansion is but only smiles sadly not going to bring that up.

"I'm okay buddy, there are just some people who arrived at Hogwarts that brought back some memories," Harry sighs intriguing James as he looks at Harry curiously. "I'll let you meet them some time, but tonight you need to get some sleep you still have school in the morning."

"Fine," James sighs pouting at the thought of having to go to elementary school, he just wants to go to Hogwarts already!

Harry smiles down at him softly before tucking him in and kissing his forehead. "Night, Bud," Harry whispers.

"Night, Dad. Night, father," James responds before turning over and trying to go to sleep.

They close the door softly, smiling at each other to which Harry kisses his lips. They walk over to Lily's room to see her still sleeping soundly. They smile as Harry walks over and kisses her forehead to which a smile appears on her sleeping face.

"Love you, sweetheart," Harry whispers not wanting to wake her up because she is going on a field trip in kindergarten. She would be very unhappy if she was woken up now because then she would be tired tomorrow.

They leave her room and walk to the door directly beside theirs and open it just as quietly as the others. This was their daughter's room, she is eighteen months and everyone loves her. Harry and Draco stand over her a little shocked to see her little eyes open while she just stares up at them with her beautiful silver eyes. Harry smiles softly reaching down to pet the small black hairs growing out the top of her head.

"Well, hello to you to Seraphina," Harry chuckles softly as she giggles and reaches up to him as he smiles. He cradled her against his chest as she repeatedly scrunches a portion of his shirt in her tiny baby hand.

They had liked the name Scorpius suggested but instead of having her middle name be Lupin, because that already have a child with that name, they decided to call her Seraphina Sirius Potter. Draco was a bit hesitant but Harry practically begged him and Draco just couldn't refuse.

Draco wraps his arms around Harry's waist and kisses his neck as they just watch their daughter. "Thank you," Harry whispers leaning his head on the side of Draco's head humming in content.

"For what?" Draco isn't sure what he is being thanked for. Is it for comforting him earlier.

"Everything," Harry sighs happily kissing Draco's cheek softly. "This family, I've always wanted one and now that I do I don't know what I'd do without it. And for staying by my side, I know I can be a handful a lot of the time but I'm happy you're mine."

"Then I should be thanking you as well for all of the same reasons," Draco whispers against Harry's neck smiling softly as Sera falls asleep in Harry's arms. "I don't know where I'd be without you all."

"I wouldn't let you be any where but here," Harry laughs quietly as he places Sera once again in her crib and walk out and into their own room.

They change into their night clothes and climb into bed cuddling as Draco is pulled tightly to Harry's chest. Harry lazily kisses Draco's shoulders as they are moth soothed into semi sleep. "I love you," Harry mumbles as Draco sleepily hums in response before falling asleep. And though he doesn't answer Harry knows how much Draco loves him so he falls into a peaceful sleep as well not thinking about what is going to happen the next day.

So, I hope this chapter was okay I know it isn't the best but I just love cute Drarry so much I just had to do a whole chapter about it. And just so you (and I know) Sera was born on April 4, 2017.

Anyways, see you next chapter✌🏻

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