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Andy and Leah were talking in the locker rooms after basketball practice. She tried to focus on what Andy was saying about the next basketball tournament, but she couldn't stop thinking about last week's meet with Justin. Her first kiss. It was amazing. She had told Andy about it and she was fully supportive.

"Earth to Leah," Andy said waving her hand in front of Leah's face. Leah was still thinking about Justin.

"Come on, we're having a team dinner at the pizzeria, if you were listening."

"Sorry," she replied. "I just couldn't concentrate."

Andy said, "Hey. Don't take things so seriously," she said playfully.

"Alright, alright, I'm coming!"

Leah loved being with Andy. She really needed to sort things out, and there's no one better than your best friend and sister. After school they went to the pizzeria for their team dinner, but she still couldn't focus on anything but her first kiss with her crush. Isn't that what every girl dreams of? When Andy tried to talk to Leah, all she could feel was Justin's lips touching hers.

"Hellooo? Leah! Earth to Leah!" Andy said. Leah snapped out of her daydream. "Sorry, still thinking about you-know-what." Leah said.

"Ugh! I know I'm your best friend, but I really don't want to say "Earth to Leah" every single time I try to talk to you. Justin seems to be coming between our friendship." "Sorry," Leah muttered under her breath. "I just can't stop thinking about it. It was wonderful."

"Seems like you're turning into an Annabeth. Always dreaming of true love," Andy mimicked.

"Hey! I am not like Annabeth." Leah protested.

"But anyways, what pizza did you want, cheese or 3 meats?" Andy asked. "3 meats is bomb." 3 meats was a pizza with sausages, pepperoni, and meatballs.

"3 meats, I guess. Now let me get back to my wonderful daydreaming," Leah said dreamily. "Ugh! How long will I have to deal with this?" Andy complained.

Leah replied absently, "I dunno." Leah's eyes drifted to a faraway place. Andy sighed. "Guess I'll talk to someone else while you're in your daydream," Andy said.

Andy turned around and began talking to another teammate. The pizza finally came, and when Andy tried to wake Leah up, all Leah did was flutter her eyelashes.

"Oh, Justin. Yes, I'll go with you," Leah whispered dreamily.

Andy heard Leah and turned. "What are you saying?"

"Why don't we go and eat out somewhere?" Leah said as if in a trance.

"Ugh! You're still in that daydream of yours aren't you?" Andy said irritated.

Leah continued mumbling all night long. When it was finally time to go home, Leah had not yet awoken from her daydream.

"Leah!" Andy yelled in her best friend's ear.

"What, what, what?" Leah said, concerned.

"Time to go home, Leah. You were asleep the entire time." Andy said.

"Oh," Leah said sheepishly. Leah yawned and stretched.

"It was wonderful," Leah said.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Come on, let's go!" Andy waved a quick goodbye to her half-awake friend.

"Tomorrow, my house?" Andy asked.

"Sure," Leah said, as if she were hypnotized.

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