Nearly Caught

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  "Who's in here?" A gruff voice said. The girls stayed silent, wondering who it could be. "Janitor business, so reveal yourselves." The so- called janitor said.
"Andy," Annabeth whispered. "I think that is Mr. Korovsky."
     Mr. Korovsky was the school janitor, and he could be nice sometimes, or super mean. You will never know what would happen with Mr. Korovsky. The janitor flicked on the lights and everything turned so bright, Andy closed her eyes. She waited for her eyes to adjust to the brightness. She slowly opened her eyes.
     An old man in a dark blue janitor's uniform was looking carefully around the room. His gray hair was covered with a navy blue cap. His wild blue eyes raced around the room.
     The girls were hidden under Mr. Lazi's desk safely. Mr. Korovsky came so close, he nearly hit the principal's chair on Andy. Mr. Korovsky spoke with a thick Polish accent.
"Well, you're lucky. Normally, I find hiders right away, but my eyesight is not very good. I'm growing too old. If you're robbers, there's nothing good in here." He left the room and turned off the lights.
     The two girls breathed a huge sigh of relief.
"That was a close one!" Annabeth said, "Nearly caught by the janitor!"
"Do you still have the key?" Annabeth asked.
"Yeah." Annabeth said, "Let's get out of here, and find the school records."
They made their way to the glass case that held the school records. Andy turned the key into the lock, and the door clicked open. Annabeth took the school records and said, "Got it."
     They dashed towards the school doors, and burst out into the cool night sky. Andy panted, "Finally!" Her face was as red as a cherry.
     They ran over to Carson's car, and was greeted with hugs and
"You made it! See, I'm good luck. Without me, your plan never could have succeeded," Carson bragged.
"Yeah. Thanks, bro," Andy said, hugging her older brother.
"Aww, it was nothing."
"Can I get something over here? I helped too!" Annabeth pouted.
"All right," Andy said. She and Carson buried Annabeth in hugs.
"Ack! Help me out!" Annabeth said, laughing.
"Let's get into the car now," Carson said, ushering the two girls into the back seats. "Do you mind dropping me at my house?" Annabeth asked.
"Not a problem," Carson said. Annabeth and Andy talked about school drama and sports all the way home. When they finally reached Annabeth's house, they said their goodbyes, and hugged once more.
"See you later," Annabeth said.
"Bye," Andy waved.

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