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There are quite a few things about modern day New York that Steve Rogers does not like. His daily, early morning jogs around Central Park, however, are one of the things that he loves. Especially in the Autumn, when the leaves are the colours of fire, and there's a crisp chill in the air. When he's alone, he can easily pretend that he's in the 20s, as the Park has barely changed since he was kid. And there are a fair few times when he wishes he's still a kid in the 20s. The previous weeks mission is still heavy on his mind, and he needs to jog it out.

It's 5am when Steve gets from the Avengers Mansion to Central Park, and there are only a few people out. By 5:15 he's already over Bow Bridge. The cold air fills his lungs as he jogs, every exhale producing a cloud. He heads down a side path, avoiding the main routes to avoid as many people as possible. He's too recognisable these days, and everyone wants to take what he thinks is called a 'selfie', but he's not sure. It's a very surreal experience for him. People don't seem to want a conversation these days, they seem happy enough to get a picture, and then off they go again. Not to say they aren't polite, most people are. It's just strange.
He's been jogging for a good 25 minutes, managing to avoid any people, when he hears footsteps ahead, coming fast. The girl coming towards him is running incredibly fast, and is too busy looking behind her to notice Steve running at a similar speed right for her.

"Look out!" He shouts, but by the time she's turned her head around and seen Steve, they've already collided. She falls to the ground, dazed, having ran straight into Steve's muscular, super soldier chest. Surprised she hasn't been knocked out cold, Steve bends down and helps her up, asking her if she's alright.

"Yeah..." she replies, looking behind her again. She looks back at Steve, but is still distracted. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm sorry, I didn't see you coming. Solid chest though." She nods towards his biceps, "hey, if two guys ask if you've seen me, knock them out will you? Or at the very least, lie to them." She starts to jog away, and shouts "thanks, bye!" over her shoulder.

Steve stands for a moment, trying to make sense of what has just happened, but then she disappears out of view. Again, impossibly fast. He starts to carry on with his own jog, planning to forget the strange encounter, when's second later he almost runs into two burly men, running the same way as the girl.

"Hey," they both stop in front of Steve, panting for breath. "Have you seen a girl run this way? Blonde, about yay high," he waves his hand vaguely, while his friend doubles over and catches his breath. "Really stupidly quick?"

Steve looks back the way he just came, and considers what to tell them. So she was being chased, by two angry looking men. And if they caught up with her, she wouldn't stand a chance. One of the guys has a nasty scar across his cheek, and neither of them seem too friendly. Whatever reason they have for chasing her, Steve wouldn't feel right just letting them get her. So he does what he thinks is the right thing, and what she had asked him to do. He lies.

"No, sorry, I've.." But before he can even finish his sentence, the men pull an annoyed face and begrudgingly start to run again.

Steve considers continuing on his jog, and just forgetting whatever that was, but a niggling worry in the back of his head makes him wonder what'll happen if the two men catch up with the girl. She was quite dainty, after all, and they were quite large men.

So that's how Steve Rogers ends up abandoning his favourite part of the day, to chase after three strangers.

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