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By the time they both go to sleep, it's 3am. Steve offers Y/N his room for the night, until she has her own, to save her having to sleep in the hospital room. He insists that he doesn't mind the sofa, and that it's actually quite comfortable, but she refuses, and, with Steve's help, finds her way back to the hospital room.

When she wakes in the morning, everyone is already up. She heads back to the living area she and Steve were in in the early hours, and finds a red headed woman lounging on the sofa, wearing gym clothes, and a brown haired woman, wearing red pyjamas, sat cross legged on the sofa opposite. They appear to be in deep conversation when she enters, but both stop talking abruptly when she walks in the room.

"Oh," She stammers, feeling like an intruder, "sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt."

The brown haired woman uncrosses her legs and strides over to Y/N. "No, no, you didn't interrupt, don't worry." Her accent is thick, and she sticks out her hand, which Y/N shakes. "I'm Wanda, this is Natasha," she points over to the red haired woman, who also gets up and shakes Y/N's hand.

"Nice to meet you," Y/N stammers out, feeling a bit awkward. "I'm Y/N."

The two women move to sit back down, and gesture for Y/N to do the same. She obliges.

"How're you feeling?" asks Natasha, "Steve said you woke up last night."

"Yeah I'm feeling really good, thank you. Dr. Cho is amazing, I've not got a lump or anything." She rubs the back of her head, feeling for one, "I can't thank you all enough for your hospitality."

They both smile at her, and Steve walks into the room. Y/N relaxes a bit. She's no good at small talk, and she feels like she knows Steve a bit better than she knows Wanda and Nat, so is more comfortable with him. Plus, she hopes that he will lead the conversation. He's wearing a long sleeved black T-shirt and trousers, and looks good. Really good. Y/N almost blushes at the sight of him. She shakes it off as her feeling as though she owes him for saving her a few days ago, but she still tries to avoid making eye contact. She's getting what feels like butterflies in her stomach, but that can't be right.

He walks over and sits down right next to her, making her even more uncomfortable. He smells good, too. He smiles at Wanda and Nat, who he's already seen this morning, and speaks to Y/N.

"Morning Y/N, sleep well?" He asks, stretching out on the sofa.

"Really well, thank you," she replies, nodding at him and shooting him a small smile.

"Great! So," he says, leaning forward and looking sideways at her,"we're having a barbecue later on, and you're welcome to join us."

She hesitates, wanting to say no, but sees Steve's pleased face, looking forward to the prospect of a barbecue with his friends, and her heart melts a little. She smiles at him and agrees to go.

"Great!" He beams, making her feel welcome, and she relaxes completely. Nat pipes up.

"Oh, Y/N, I should have said before; Tony has sorted you a room to stay in, it's all ready for you." 


Nat takes her to see her room. It's along a different corridor to the hospital room, and she suspects the doors she passes are the rooms of the others.

They walk along a long way down the corridor when something glides through one of the doors, causing Y/N to scream slightly, startled. Nat laughs and the purple figure settles in front of them.

"I'm terribly sorry, I forgot that we had guests," the purple man says. Nat, still laughing, introduces him as Vision.

"He has a tendency to not use doors," she tells Y/N, chuckling.

"Have you seen Wanda?" He asks, and Nat points him in the right direction. Vision politely excuses himself and heads past them. They continue down the corridor, past a few more doors, until Nat stops.

"Here we are," she says, opening the door to reveal a decent sized, stylish room, with a large, comfy-looking, double bed in the centre. On it were a set of clean pyjamas. "There's clean underwear in the drawers, socks and a few sports bras, and some other basic clothes we thought you'd need."

"Wow," she says, taking it in, "this is incredible." She's never had such a spacious room before, one that she'd actually be proud to call her own, and she feels a bit overwhelmed. "Where is Mr. Stark, so I can thank him?" She asks Nat. Saying thank you is the least she could do.

"Oh, well, Tony is usually in his workshop, but he doesn't like people going down there. You'll see him later I expect." She smiles to herself. "He doesn't really do 'thank you's very well though."

Y/N thanks Nat and she leaves her alone in the room. She sits down on the bed and looks around, wondering what she's going to do now.

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