Chapter 17 - Off with Their Heads

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After brunch I headed back to my room. I was about to head in for a nap before the execution ceremony, when I suddenly stopped. My eyes were drawn to the door next door. I hadn't seen Alexi since early this morning at breakfast. At breakfast when he heard me talk about executions like it was nothing, when to him, it was probably a very big something.

"I'm the queen of darkness and deception. I have ruled thousands of creatures for over a hundred years. I can talk to Alexi. No big." I gave myself a little pep talk before walking down to Alexi's room. I raised my hand to knock, but then hesitated. "Just knock. It's not that hard."

Still, I hesitated. What if he hated me? What if-

I didn't get to finish that thought. The door swung open and Alexi stood in front on me. He did not look happy.

"How'd..." I blinked like and idiot for a moment.

"I could hear you talking to yourself." He shook his head and headed back into his room. He left the door open, so I took that as an invitation. He sat on his bed and I stood a few feet in front on him. Using a bit of my magic, I nudged the door closed. I didn't want any of my other guests to hear this conversation. Just to make sure, I mumbled a quick spell against eavesdroppers.

"What are you doing?" He eyed me warily.

"Calm down. It's just a spell to keep people from listening in." It hurt that he thought so little of me, but to be fair, I didn't deserve any better. He didn't reply. "Talk to me, Alexi."

"I just don't know what to think. You made it sound like those mountain people were the bad guys and now here you are causally planning executions for midday entertainment." He put his head in his hands.

"I'm sorry." I reached for him, but then pulled back, deciding that touching him might not be the best idea. "I know I mislead you a bit, but I didn't lie about anything."

"You didn't lie?" Suddenly his face wasn't in his hands, but it was so much worse. "How do you figure that? You tell me that those people were trying to use me and that you were going trying to protect me. But that's all lies. You don't care about me. You're just as bad as they are. Worse even because you don't care about anyone."

It felt like all the breath just left my body. I stood there gasping for air for a moment. My chest hurt and it felt like a golem was sitting on me. I wished Rilo was there to tell me what I was feeling.

"That's not true." I whispered.

"What's not true." He snapped, standing to look me in the eyes.

"I do care." And in that moment my face betrayed everything. My chin shook as I stared into his eyes. It was all I could do not to reach out and touch him.

"Oh, no. No. No, no, no, no, no." He stepped around me and pulled open the door. "You have got to be kidding me."

And with that, he was gone.


Three a.m. had arrived and I was sitting on my outdoor throne in front of my castle. The executions were about to begin and for once I wasn't excited about it. I had never had particular feelings for anyone, but now I knew why people in my kingdom didn't partake in love. It was more cruel than any of the tortures we inflicted. Love hurt the soul, not just the body.

I could understand not having the stupid feelings. But how dare he disrespect me so. I took care of him, protected him, even risked my kingdom for him. But that was all over now. He wanted to just be a pawn, fine, he would be a pawn. But it was a game I intended to win.

I focused my attention back on the scene before me. The line of prisoners lined up before the gallows. I watched the ropes sway in the breeze so peacefully. I didn't want peacefully.

"Stop!" I shouted standing up. The procession to the gallows halted and the people began to whisper. I snapped my fingers and the gallows were immediately engulfed in flames. The whispers grew louder. "The gallows is too easy. I want them to truly feel the fear."

At this, the crowd cheered.

"Bring out the guillotine!" I commanded, blood pumping angrily through my veins. The applause was thunderous. A large group of lessor demons set to work. Within minutes they were proudly carrying the object around to the front of the castle. It was still stained with blood from the last time we used it. This pleased me.

"Let the blood flow." My voice was soft, but not an ear missed my words. I tried being nice for Alexi, but no more. I was far better at being evil.

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