Chapter 22 - Return of the Feelings

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Well, the love potion had officially worn off and Alexi was not happy. We had made it back to my room perfectly safe, but that didn't seem to matter to him at all.

"You drugged me?"  He knotted his fingers in his hair.  "What kind of person does that?"

"Well, technically person refers to a human, so I'm not."  I explained, trying to distract him.  I didn't have any qualms with what I did, I just didn't like him yelling at me.

"You're right.  You're not a person.  You're a monster."  He retorted.  Dang, this guy was angry.  He was kind of cute when he was mad.

"That's a mean thing to say."  I pouted, trying not to smile.

"Well, I'm sorry, but it's true."  He clenched his jaw and bounced his leg angrily. 

"I forgive you, I suppose.  But please, don't call me that again."  I sat down on the bed next to him.  We were back in his room with the soundproof barrier again.  It felt weird to have so many lights on in my castle, but apparently Alexi threw the amulet I gave him away as soon as he left.

"I just don't understand why you did it."

"I did it because it was the best solution I could think of to a problem that's been going on for hundreds of years."  I flopped back onto the bed.

"Is that the only reason?"  He asked quietly.

"What do you mean?"  I yawned and stretched out.  I was exhausted after using so much magical energy on the scheme.

"Are you sure that's the real reason that you gave me the love potion?"  He leaned over me, and I suddenly realized what he was asking.  My heart rate picked up and my mind went back to when I gave him the love potion.  The kiss.  Oh, that kiss.  I remember how passionately he kissed me before the potion kicked in.  Wait a minute.  He kissed me back before the potion kicked in.  Which meant he did it of his own free will.  Which meant he wanted to.  I was so caught up in my plan, I hadn't realized it. 

I smiled as all the pieces fell into place.

"Yes, I'm sure.  Why, were you hoping I had... other motives?"

"What?  No.  I was just making sure.  Good to know you were just using me.  Again."  His face was red, and I was unsure if he was angry or embarrassed.  Either way, it was fun to see him squirm a bit.  He deserved it after all the trouble he'd been causing.  Besides, I now knew a secret of his, and oh, was it a good one.  I was quite filled with glee.  I couldn't say for sure he had any of those pesky love feelings, but he was attracted to me, and that was something I could understand a bit better.

"Don't be like that."  I grab his chin to keep him from moving away.  "I still think you're beautiful."  I teased.

He flushed even darker.  Ah, so it wasn't anger.

"Why do you need me for your schemes anyway?  What good did that little act do?"  He ignored my comment.

"Ugh, fine."  I let go of his chin, pushing past him.  "You're no fun.  And it caused unrest between the Light Fae.  Let them war over you.  And once they've destroyed each other, I'll swoop in and steal the pieces."

"And why do you need me for this?  Why me, specifically?"

Wow, he really didn't understand just how important he was to this world.  No wonder he was getting manipulated all the time.  I could have told him he was a peasant and he would have believed me.  But, instead of lying to him again, I did something out of character and told him the truth.

"Because, one day, you'll be the king of it all.  And I want it."

"So you're just going to steal it from me?  Why would I let you do that?  You're the bad guy here!"

"Thank you for the compliment, I do try.  But, be careful with making assumptions about your subjects.  They aren't as innocent as they pretend."  And with that, I sweep out of his room, leaving him to ponder my words.

To avoid another escape attempt from Alexi, I order one of my lesser demons to guard his door.  I really didn't want to lose my leverage.  Again.  Alexi on the loose could unravel the beautiful plot I just put into motion.

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