.Chapter Two.

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There was a lot of talk at the dinner table about the baby Olivia is carrying. Logan told her that he was just teasing her earlier, and she told him that she knew that, and enjoyed the mild teasing.

"So, are you hoping for a boy?" Amanda asked as she passed the bowl of rolls to Elliot.

"I'd like another son, but I'll take another daughter any day," Elliot spoke, as he looked over at his fiancee and smiled at her. She smiled back at him, her eyes lighting up considerably.

"Three girls and one boy is fine with me. Or two girls and two boys... either way I'm so excited to finally be able to experience being pregnant. And I'm enjoying it so far."

"Oh, just wait until your kid kicks your ribs all night long," Amanda spoke, before elbowing Logan in his side. Logan sighed.

"Well, it's not my fault that you wanted to sleep while I wanted to be awake," Logan replied. They all laughed, and even Willow joined in with a few small giggles even though she didn't know what was happening.

"When are you gonna tell everyone else?" Amanda asked because she didn't want to have to keep Olivia and Elliot's secret when she wanted to start helping out more at work so Olivia didn't have to work as hard.

"Soon. We are going to tell Don first, then tell the rest of the crew." Elliot spoke, as he tore up the roll he buttered, and he passed it over to Willow.

"You haven't told him? He might be a little angry." Amanda breathed, and Olivia nodded slowly.

"Yeah, but I hope he'll forgive me quickly. Especially if I use the twins and Willow against him."

"How are you gonna do that?" Amanda asked, her interest peaked.

"By giving him a mug that says the worlds best grandpa... He really turns into a teddy bear around the twins and Wills." Olivia grinned, before sighing when her phone rang. She stood up and walked into the living room to answer it, while Amanda waited quietly.

"Are you gonna have to go to work, Mom?" Logan asked, and Amanda nodded when she saw Olivia walk back into the kitchen.

"There is a kidnapping in Times Square. Or at least that is what they think it is. Amanda, Cragen wants you and me." Olivia spoke, and Amanda nodded.

"Elliot, can you take care of Logan for me?" Amanda asked before she took a spoonful of corn and quickly ate it.

"Yeah, of course. I'll be able to use him for free childcare." Elliot smirked.

Amanda quickly kissed the top of Logan's head, while Olivia did the same to her children. Then Elliot stood up and pulled Olivia into his arms and kissed her gently, before sending the two detectives on their way.


Logan was a huge help to Elliot in regards to getting the twins and Willow down for the night. Then Logan asked if he could help Elliot do the dishes and clean up after dinner. Once again, Elliot was very happy that Logan was so good at helping.

"Do you wish that your Mom hadn't been called into work?" Elliot asked as he grabbed another dish from Logan and put it into the dishwasher.

"Yeah, I wish she didn't get called in all the time. I bet you wish that Aunt Liv didn't get called in as often either, huh?" Logan spoke, and Elliot nodded before looking at his nephew.

"I worry about her overworking herself. It's important that she gets plenty of rest, but she doesn't get plenty of rest. I have to force her to nap most days." Elliot spoke, and Logan nodded. Shortly after everyone met Logan, they could tell that he was an old soul, and connected more with adults than other kids.

"At least you are here for her... I worry that my Mom doesn't have someone to take care of her and I can't do that really... I try and she tells me that she should be taking care of me and not the other way around."

"You are a great kid, Logan. And I'm sure she will find someone who loves you and loves her. It's important that the person your mother falls in love with also can be a father to you."

"Like Aunt Liv is to Wills?" Logan asked, and Elliot smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, like Aunt Liv... speaking of which... I think that maybe I should figure out a way to make her take some time off to relax. Wanna help?"

"Sounds good. I think she might like a spa trip." Logan smiled, and Elliot nodded in agreement.

"We should plan it for Mother's Day so that your Mom could join her."


"Here he is!" Olivia exclaimed as she picked up the little boy that had been 'kidnapped', but instead he had just wandered off. The little boy was barely awake and he quickly snuggled into Olivia's arms as she walked out of the alley where the boy had made himself comfortable on a few garbage bags.

"Let's take him back to his parents," Amanda spoke, as she quickly came over to take the small boy from Olivia, but Olivia shook her head.

"He's already asleep again. Let's just get him back to his parents." Olivia replied. She wanted to be back home and in her own bed so badly, but of course she had to be called out on a false kidnapping case.

"Were they even looking after him?" Amanda asked the officer that had been on the scene first because he had been patrolling the area.

"Not really. I had seen them leave him with one of the street performers, while they went into a... oh." He sighed, before running his hands over his face.

"Where did they go?" Olivia asked, as they turned the corner and walk towards the area that was marked off by police tape.

"Into a hotel that is known for being a place for selling drugs..." He replied, and Olivia sighed before looking back at Amanda.

"Call child and family services. I'm going to take him to the hospital to get checked out then I'll take him back to the precinct... I guess we won't be having an easy night..." Olivia frowned.

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