.Chapter Twenty-One.

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Elliot and the nurses were all trying to get Olivia to lay down and get some rest, but Olivia refused. She said that either they get her a wheelchair to get down to Amanda's room, or she'd walk down there herself. It was either make her more upset by telling her no, or actually taking her down there a safe way. So a nurse brought a wheelchair and Elliot took his wife down to Amanda's room. He slowly opened the door before pushing his wife in.

"Amanda." Olivia breathed, as she looked at her bruised and battered friend.

"Liv?" Amanda yawned as she opened her eyes.

"Hey, honey. How are you doing?" Olivia asked, as she reached out and gently touched her arm. Amanda swallowed hard before shrugging.

"I'm on some pain medication, so I'm good right now," Amanda replied with a shaky smile.

"The kids are going out-"

"They are with Lucy. I know." Amanda replied.

"Oh, and I-"

"You what?" Amanda interrupted because she didn't want to hear right away that Olivia hated her.

"I have another son." Olivia smiled, and Amanda closed her eyes as she felt tears well in her eyes. She hated that she almost got that little baby boy killed, and his mother.

"Mandy?" Olivia whispered, but Amanda shook her head.

"Get out," Amanda whispered.

"What? I didn't hear-"

"GET OUT!" Amanda screamed, and Elliot quickly pulled Olivia's chair back as Amanda went to hit Olivia.

"Don't you dare hit my wife... No wonder Cragen doesn't want to help you!" Elliot screamed, before quickly taking Olivia from the room as she cried quietly.

This was too much. Way too much.


No one went to visit Amanda again. Olivia and Elliot went home, well they were taken to a safe house where Lucy and the children were going to be joining them. Amanda was released a few days later after her internal bleeding from the beating had been resolved. But she had nowhere to go. No one was willing to help her after she hurt Olivia's family and Fin.

"So you were raped?" A nun spoke, as she sat in front of Amanda. Amanda had gotten a list of places that will help those that had been sexually or physically abused. It was a safe zone for them, and Amanda needed one right now.

"I was," Amanda whispered. She had no energy right now and only wanted to go sleep.

"And why hasn't your family helped you?" Sister Gladys asked.

"Because I hurt them. I did some bad things, and I almost got my best friend's children killed. I almost got my son killed... And my best friend came over to help me and then we got shot at... I messed up everything and no one will help me." Amanda whispered. 

"We will help you." She smiled softly, before standing.

"We have clean clothes for you to wear, and we will help you through your recovery. If you would follow me and I'll take you to your room." 

Amanda stood slowly and nodded.

"Thank you." She whispered. She was led from the office and down a long hall. As they got to the stairs, Amanda looked up but didn't move.

"Ms. Rollins?"

"There is just a lot of stairs." She laughed weakly.

"Take your time. There is no rush."


Out at the safe house, Olivia sat on one of the sofas as she rubbed Wyatt's back until he went back to sleep after getting fed. She kept her eyes focused on Wyatt's tiny feet as they rested against her still swollen stomach. Elliot was upstairs putting the kids all down for bed, and finishing a conversation with Logan about their current situation. Once he was done, he came downstairs and saw his wife sitting on the couch.

"Is little man finally sleeping?" Elliot asked, and Olivia nodded but didn't look at him.

"Do you want to go to sleep?" Elliot asked, and Olivia shook her head.

"I don't think I can sleep. I don't want to see what my brain thinks happened at our house. El, our house is a crime scene. We now have four babies and a preteen in this house that can only sleep four people comfortably." Olivia replied.

"If only Wyatt would have waited to be born, then we would be comfortable." Elliot teased, but Olivia just shook her head as she gnawed on her bottom lip. Tears welled in her eyes, and Elliot frowned as he walked over to her.

"Honey, I'm sorry." Elliot breathed.

"I miss Amanda even if she doesn't seem to give a fuck about me anymore." She whimpered, as she wrapped her arms around Wyatt's small body and held him close.

"She really fucked up this time, Liv. You shouldn't waste tears on her. You are too good for her, and I think that everything will be okay once we can go back home and start living our lives again."

"Can you sit up with Wyatt? He may wake up soon with a dirty diaper... I need to go see the kids." Olivia breathed.


"No, Elliot. She was my best friend, and now I have her kid but not her."


Amanda slept for days. She was just so exhausted that she didn't know that she had slept for three days with only waking up about twice a day to use the bathroom. The nuns were concerned about her, but they still gave her her privacy. Once Amanda woke up, she slowly walked downstairs to where a few others that were staying there, were eating breakfast.

"Ah, Ms. Rollins. How did you sleep?" Sister Gladys spoke.

"I'm tired and kinda hungry."

"Well, sit down and eat some oatmeal." She replied. Amanda nodded slowly before moving towards an empty chair she sat down and started to eat a bowl of oatmeal that had been sat out for her. She kept her eyes down and continued to do that until Sister Gladys spoke again.

"We received a call from a Donald Cragen. He said that you needed to come down to his precinct to talk to him about your issue."

"I'm not going to see him," Amanda replied.

"Is there a reason?"

"Because he doesn't want to help me. He'll probably just arrest me."

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