Chapter One

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          I feel that I'm in for the journey of a lifetime.

          I've spent the last six years of my life cramped up inside an apartment in Seattle, Washington, working as a tour guide. Day after day, I wake up at seven to eat a bowl of raspberry oatmeal, then take the monorail downtown to start my job. I guess it's not so bad when you put it that way. I get to see the city, visit beautiful landmarks, and tell fascinating stories. I'm always meeting new faces—some more memorable than others—most fading away like the mist in the morning when the sun rises.

          Regardless, it doesn't change the fact that I'm going to be spending the next week in Vietnam. I'm thirty-two, and have been dreaming about this vacation since I was a child. I can't wait! And to make it even better, I'm going with my favourite people in the world. Sitting beside me, is my gorgeous boyfriend, Shawn, who I've been seeing now for almost three years. Across from me, hunching over on her phone, is my best friend since middle school, Christina. And finally, to her left, laying down on the airport chairs, is my brother, Oscar, who is a towering 6'5".

          I smile at the group. "Wow. This is actually happening, hey?"

          "It's for real," Shawn says with a grin, pulling me in for a cuddle.

          "I know—it's crazy," Oscar admits while sitting up. "We've been talking about this trip for years and years."

          "More than years," Christina corrects him. "I remember back in grade twelve, Jane told the volleyball team that she'd take us all to Vietnam if we won the championship that year. I think you might have been a little drunk though."

          I laugh. "Oh, God. You remember everything, don't you? Those were the days."

          "You never told me you played volleyball?" Shawn questions with a raised brow. "Every time I try to get you out to do something sporty, you just tell me you'd rather go for a long, romantic walk."

          "Yeah, well. I like long, romantic walks," I reply with a teasing sneer. "Is there a problem with that?"

          "No, not at all."

          The both of us come closer, until our noses briefly touch. We give each other a few pecks on the lips, as we zone out and do our own little thing together. It's okay, Christina and Oscar are so used to seeing us like this—when we get all mushy and touchy with one another. It hardly even phases them anymore.

          "So, are you excited for our trip, babe?" Shawn asks.

          I blush. "You can't even begin to imagine."

          "Good. Because I want you to know, there isn't a single person on this planet I'd rather be going with than you."

          "And you know I feel the same way about you, Shawn." I rest my head on his shoulder.

          "I mean it, Jane. I want us to remember this next week for the rest of our lives."

          "I'm sure we will. For the rest of our lives."

          We sit there in silence for the next few minutes; Christina and Oscar hold a conversation of their own. Oscar claims that he only sees her as a friend, but we all know deep down the pair are slowly becoming a thing. I've known Christina my whole life, and my brother is the type of dude she'd go for. Would it be a little awkward if they start dating? Maybe a bit, but I'll never let my emotions get in the way of their happiness. I truly want nothing but the best for them.

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