Childcare 101

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Life for Chrissie and Brian had changed. They thought they knew how to do the parent thing until they actually took Jimmy home and had to be parents. Their days were filled with moments that could never be replaced, sleepless nights, baby spit up and long afternoons. Christie's mother constantly sent food over to them, which had proved to be a loving and much needed gesture.

 Brian and Chrissie had never laughed nor cried so much as a couple than they had over the past month together. But now, it was time for John and Veronica to go through the final stages before becoming parents for the second time. I was certain their experience would be different from Chrissie and Brian's. After all, they knew what to expect. They knew how long labor took on an average and they would face this as an experienced couple. However, what was new to them was the fact that they had a little one to determine what to do with while they welcomed into the world, a new little one.

 Roger and I decided that we needed a break. The presence of infants and new mother, new fathers and the miracle of life was getting to us...not to mention there was a pregnant mare on our Surrey farm. I'm still trying to determine how that happened. When it feels like everyone around you has something that you hoped to have, you begin to feel like that person who is waiting for the bus that never comes. So, Roger and I went to the yacht for the remainder of May. It had been wonderful for us. My mum and dad came down and spent four days with us then Roger's mum and his sister came out for three days. One thing was certain, our family and our friends had been nothing but supportive to us and did a hell of a job in reminding us that life was not about "having" to have a baby or having that feeling that you’re some kind of selfish, self –absorbed couple because you don’t have one.  What it was really about involved being surrounded by the people who loved you...or as my mother put it so eloquently "Lydia, don't think about what you two can't have. Have a glass of wine, fuck so the neighbors become uncomfortable and be bloody thankful for everything you do have." Aaahhh, leave it to my mother to have all the words for all the right situations. It took so much pressure off Roger and I, and me especially, for thinking I was a failure to both him and women everywhere.

 By early June, Roger and I were feeling back at ourselves entirely and it had turned out that what I thought may destroy our marriage only brought us closer. I had gotten a phone call from Veronica one afternoon. She was dreadfully close to her due date and didn’t yet have someone to sit with Robbie while she and John went to the hospital. Her mother, naturally, wanted to be with both Veronica and John at the hospital which was quite understandable. John’s parents had such a long way to travel and they couldn’t possibly arrive soon enough to care for Robert when Veronica went into labor. And thus…Roger and I were drafted into childcare.  It wasn’t that he and I would have ever said no to them …but believe me, we were apprehensive about being with Robert for what would likely be two to three days depending on how things played out at the hospital.

 A week later, Roger and I headed, overnight bags in hand with enough clothes to last three days, to London for our lesson in ‘where is all the baby shit in John and Veronica’s house and what do you do with it.’ It seemed that the two of them were relieved to see us upon our arrival.

 “Oh, we’re so glad you’re here!” Veronica opened the door and greeted Roger and I with open arms. “Look! Come look Robbie! Your auntie and uncle are here to see you!” Veronica called for him. John greeted us as well, immediately taking our bags and putting them in their bedroom. Robert seemed far too engrossed in his blocks to pay us any attention. All that curly sandy-reddish hair and his fat little hands completely absorbed in his building. He had gotten so big and he was looking more and more like Veronica every day.

 “Thanks for doin’ this. As you can see, she’s gonna’ go in to labor any day.” John said, pointing to Veronica’s stomach.

 “Yes, yes he’s right. I don’t think Robbie quite understands what’s about to happen. He’s in for a huge wakeup call. Veronica exhaled audibly. “Okay, I really need to lie down so come on and let me familiarize you with all of his stuff.

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