activation energy

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Think of me as an enzyme

I put two together. They would have met on their own, maybe made it at the end. But I..


I lower the activiation energy for them to get real close.

It starts in the pits of their stomachs and my thick covalent bonds keep the liver busy. Molecules get scrambled, ions are fired in the depths of their catacombs. It's mechanized process.

Clouds are euphoria glisten their vision and they start to perceive a life they've never seen before.

(because it doesn't exist, does it?)

I start the chemical imbalance.

I synthesize the chaos.

I glaze their eyes with concentrated vibes of acceptance. It gives my host pleasure. Desires never understood uncover themselves from darkened rooms. Soft pillows, (once clean) sheets (oops). Something builds within, exiting in transformed forms of matter: lust, tasteless saliva, and thermal energy. It's a vibe. It's a sedative.

A vibration sooths our hosts into thinking

'everything is ok'

Parallel wavelengths, riveted molecules, magnetic field slam the two bodies together. All the while they are unaware of the surrounding universe and it's pondering gaze. How perfect this moment should be. How blame-less, unmistaken, defectless

pure (except for the sheets) their breaths have become. The windpipe thickens, their muscles grow heavy and organs slow down to their heart rate

It's a slow transition.

It's a dying moment,

one with tangled limbs

slowing pulses

loosening grips: of the fabrics of reality,


and then,


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