Fire and ice

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Title: Fire and Ice*
Season: 1-2
Love interest: Jonathan Byers
Oc name: Three(Nina)
Face claim: Alisha Boe


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"They were like fire and ice*"


Nina had just escaped from the lab that had held her whole life. Now she ends up in the house of her complete opposite. He tries her best to care for her and help her find her parents, but slowly they both can feel something blossom between them


-Nina's number is three and she can control fire with her mind

-Jonathan nicknames her Nina

-Jonathan finds her all alone on the streets and decides to take her in. He tells Joyce the morning after she first sleeps there, and Joyce decides she can stay. 

-Nina is very scared of the dark because the lab used to do experiments on her in the dark

-Nancy and Nina will become best friends

-Nina helps them with the Demogorgon and after that, they have their first kiss

-In season 2 they are together and they have found Nina's parents

-Nancy calls in the help of Jonathan and Nina 

-When Nina is in the lab she will have a flashback to experiments

-and most importantly, Nina and Jonathan are polar opposite. She is way more like Nancy

Plot by Madeleine!

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