Chapter 19

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I was walking home from work (cause Jason was fucking late!) I decided to walk through an alleyway when I felt two strong arms wrapped around my waist panic rushed all over my body before I could scream or fight back a cloth was placed around it. First a shitty day at work now this great just great.
Before I knew it I was passed the Fuck out.

Chris POV-
I slowly woke up. My head felt like it was spinning, and I had a aching headache. I looked done, and I was still in the clothes that I changed into after I spilt the ink on my pants. But my jacket was gone. This day just keeps getting worse. I try to get up but I was tied down to a chair. The ropes where a little to fucking tight. Now I need to find out where I am. I looked around. My eyes landed on a body laying on the floor. There was a puddle of blood. It looked like a guy. He had a shirt with the sleeves ripped off. There was a mark or tattoo on his shoulder. It looked like a gang mark. So they were the ones that kidnapped me? But why would he be dead? It feels like I have been awake for a hour or a half. My thoughts were interrupted by a door opening behind me. I stayed silent. There gotta be a way out. Jason will eventually realize I'm gone. Right? He would most likely stop by me house to make sure I got house safely. If he's not busy of course. I hear their footsteps approaching. The figure is behind me. They start to speak.

"I saw you getting close to little red" they said. It sounds like a guy but I don't know.

"He has been getting on my nerves you know" they continued. They now placed there hands on my shoulders. They felt cold and clammy.

"How is that my fault" I reply.

"I am using you to get close to him, simple" they blatantly state.

I had to keep a straight face. It's Gotham you learn how to do that at a young age. All of a sudden something hit my head and I was out. Damn.

Tim POV-
I am going out of town to help with the titans. It's only for a month or two but I feel like I should let Chris know. I consider her a friend and she knows my secret. Jason and the others are all aware of me leaving. I ask Jason if he can tell her because I didn't want to see her upset. I didn't tell him that part though. He said sure he would tell her before patrol. That's when I leave to meet the titans at the tower.

Jason's POV-
Tim asked me to tell Chris that he has to leave with the titans for work. I am busy but I will do it. Wait. Fuck. I forgot to pick her up from work. I head out to Chris's place in a rush.

(Small time skip)

Once I get there I climb the stairs to her room. I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. Still know answer. Somethings up. I pick the lock. I slowly open the door. This place is a mess. Like someone trashed the place looking for something or someone. Once again something's wrong. That's when I see it spray painted on the wall...

Sorry for the cliffhanger but I felt like it suited being there. And I hope you liked my co-writers chapter last week. Bye :)

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