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TOOL IN THE SHEEELLLL~~~" You were screaming at the top of your lungs as you jumped up and down, not letting Jimin fix your dress. How did it develop like this?

Lemme explain.

So, it was a great morning in which you were sleeping in a rather very overly comfortable bed (cause it's the royal bed, duh) and having sweetest dreams about some donuts, popcorns and other junk foods until someone slammed into your room and interrupted your delicious dreams with a loud scream.

"MISS Y/N WAKE UP YOU HAVE A WEDDING TODAY! WE GOTTA GET YOU READY!!" who would that be? of course the crackhead duke, also known as Kim Namjoon, whom you really wanted to stab for interrupting you, but you couldn't. ugh-

"Okay, I'm up" you said as your head kept dropping cause you were hella sleepy, but it all changed after you showered and went to Jimin to put your outfit on, and oh dang there was a surprise waiting for you...

"Y/N! Sweetie, how have you been?" you were surprised by Seokjin's sudden sound, followed by a warm embrace which you melted in and dozed off to sleep again until you felt the contact break and your eyes shot open as you felt yourself falling, just to be stopped by Jungkook who was smiling wide with his bunny smile "Hey Y/N! I've been sleeping on your bed recently! It's comfy as fuck" he exclaimed as you were put on a chair in front of Jimin.

After exactly six minutes and twenty three seconds and fifty two milliseconds, all you knew was that you were in your wedding dress, having a small party with your gang and Jimin, and.. well, Yoongi was sleeping through it. such a grandpa-

You guys were blasting different songs from Shrek and dancing around until you fell down from the table, causing Jimin to scream. "MY FUCKING MASTERPIECE!" he yelled at the top of his lungs as he helped you up and started checking the dress if it got damaged, then huffed in relief "phew.. No more dancing until the wedding ceremony! And try not step on Taehyung's foot while dancing or he will step back and ruin my newly made shoes whiCH I SPENT ALL NIGHT DOING" he was slightly red by the end of the sentence as you glanced at others, Jin, Jungkook and Hobi laughing their asses off silently at the designer's sudden meltdown.

"I'm hungry" you pouted as you sat back on the chair, patting your tummy as it growled, you cooed and started caressing it "aww, baby don't be so aggressive.. I will give you whatever you want, GIVE ME FOOD I AM SO FUCKING HUNGRY JIMIN!" you squeaked, furrowing your eyebrows, seeing Jimin get up, shaking his head as he handed you a banana "here, and eat slowly and cleanly. Do not damage my beautiful dress, get it, princess?" he said, leaning closer to you to the point where he was pressing his forehead against yours and staring with a death glare into your eyes that made you barely gulp down your saliva.

You put the banana away "I'm not that hungry actually.. I'll drink water until the wedding.." you said before huffing "what do I do the whole day then?" you asked, annoyed. Jimin quickly shot up from his seat and took your hand, dragging you through the palace "we're going to the hair dresser then back to me, cause i need to do your make-up" he said, stepping quickly, which made it harder for you to run "slow the fuck down yo-"

You were suddenly stopped by a glance at Taehyung who was hurrying to somewhere. "Wow, he's such a douche, didn't even say hi to his wife- but he's a hot douche" you said to yourself as Jimin literally pushed you in the hairdresser's room, pinning you down on the chair. "I need her to be fab in exactly an hour" he said before disappearing. You just used the time and dozed off to sleep peacefully while the unnie was doing her job.


"It looks- AMAZING!" You were woken up by Jimin's squeaky sound, you cringed at the guy, judging him for interrupting your sleep and yawned, before standing up and bowing to your hairdresser unnie.

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