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The next thing Taehyung and you were supposed to do was to go on a huge trip to a few countries and spend time there to get to know each other better. Not to mention, the royal family was expecting you to come back pregnant from the trip, which both you and Taehyung weren't really happy about.

You hadn't talked to your buddies for over a day now, since you couldn't get connection on plane while on your way to Hawaii.

You sighed once again, looking over at Taehyung who was staring out of the window, probably not giving half a shit about you trying to get his attention. You had done almost everything now, coughed the hell out of yourself, whined and whimpered uncomfortably, moved on your seat and smacked his shoulder on purpose, yet nothing. You were really bored from playing on your phone and all you wanted was to switch seats with Taehyung to see how it is to travel with a plane, yet you didn't want to be straightforward.

Not knowing what else to do, you crossed your arms and huffed deeply, a pout forming on your face. You stared at your legs while swinging them a little and wiggling, until you heard a deep voice speak beside you, right into your ear.

"Why so grumpy?" Taehyung asked, grinning at you while you glared at him before sticking out your tongue,to which he responded with a chuckle. You rolled your eyes and looked away from the elder, then turning your head back at him "Let me sit there" you pointed at his seat to which Taehyung groaned childishly "No way!" he responded and frowned at you and you again stuck out your tongue "Meanie." you mumbled.

Sighing, Taehyung looked down at his seat and nodded "Fine.. You can sit here" he said and you immediately shot up with a big smile, ignoring the stewardess's warning to put on seatbelts and moved in front of taehyung, watching him get up as well. "Okay, go si-" you were cut off by a sudden shake and landed right on taehyung, with your nose facing his collarbone, both of you falling back onto the seat.

Keeping your eyes shut, you cursed under your breath and rubbed your nose then looked up at Taehyung, practically breathing fire as you glared at the whining male. "your nose could kill me, geez" he complained, causing an expression of disbelief flash onto your face "me? your collarbone is too sharp! It almost broke my nose!" you complained back, pointing at your nose before folding your arms. Taehyung just rolled his eyes and looked away, you did the same and looked out of the window, slowly dozing off to sleep.


"Mr. and Ms. Kim, the flight is over"

You were woken up by the sweet voice of the stewardess, rubbing your eyes before opening them and looking at the woman with a smile on your face before you felt something move under you. You looked down and saw Taehyung deeply asleep and you were sitting on his thigh. You panicked inside, yet showed a warm smile to the female before getting up as fast as you could and stepping on Taehyung's foot, waking him up as well.

You two haven't really spoken after getting off the plane, cause you both were antisocial and had zero topics to talk about, let alone no interest in each other at all.. or maybe almost no interest.

The ride to the hotel was quiet as well, you were playing some random games on your phone and enjoying yourself during the whole ride. Then it was the time to enter the suite which was reserved for Taehyung and you. You really didn't have big expectations for it, thought it would be like one of those suites in Zach and Cody. But oh how wrong you were..

As you entered the suite, your jaw dropped. It wasn't like a normal hotel rooms you would see in movies; heck, it was a whole ass apartment in a hotel. Two floors, a livingroom, kitchen as well as a huge bedroom with a kingsized bed across from which was a huge TV. The colors of the suite were so aesthetically pleasing: a mix of electric blue and snowy white. You were living a dream practically.

You jumped on the bed and rolled on it after a few seconds of appreciating the beauty of suite, soon to be rolled off by Taehyung "Dinner time" he commanded and smiled innocently, you just rolled your eyes "Let's just eat in the hotel cafe-" you suggested to which Taehyung shook his head "What do you think I am? A normal person?"

"No, monkeyface, you're an idiot" you sighed and changed your clothes, dressing up casually yet still pretty, Taehyung did the same and you both headed to some luxurious restaurant.

You sighed and looked at Taehyung while he ate some fancy food. You just couldn't eat those cause of how the food looked nice yet tasted trash, so you got an idea; you grabbed Taehyung's hand and rushed out of the restaurant, stopping a taxi and shoving the taller male in there "What the-" "shut up, just shut up" you reassured as the taxi drove to a casual Cafe.

Taehyung was confused the whole time in the cafe, he looked around. The environment was of course unusual for him since the male was used only to the classic and luxurious meals places. And this was far more interesting for him, yet the prince refused to admit it even to himself.

"This is far better, don't you agree?" you asked as you took a bite from your pizza and smiled, reaching for some fries after sipping soda. Taehyung just looked at you with expressionless face and ate his meal, shaking his head. "It's not the best dinner, but it can pass." he responded and shrugged, you just rolled your eyes "doesn't it get boring to always eat the same thing, go to same places and not explore anything new?" you blurted out of curiosity while looking at him.

Taehyung shrugged again and continued eating. The rest of the dinner was silent. You went back to the hotel and you just didn't know what to do to Taehyung, he was too much of a robot and you didn't want to be stuck with that type of a guy for the remaining years of your life. So you decided to give Taehyung the opportunity to feel what it's like to be a human.


It was 3:55 AM and you were standing across the sleeping Taehyung as if you were a demon, watching him sleep while thinking of ways to make him loosen up. And then it hit you. Taehyung doesn't like to be defeated. If I prank him somehow, he will take revenge.. That's it!

You quickly started waddling around the suite, smirking slightly as you worked on your evil plan. after everything was done, you got closer to Taehyung, biting your lip before flipping the bucket over, all ice cubes in it landing on the sleepy boy who soon let out a surprised scream, causing you to laugh so hard that you found yourself rolling on the floor.

"Oh you!" he exclaimed before you hurriedly ran out of the suite, Taehyung of course following you.

You ran to the beach and giggled as you saw Taehyung out of breath still trying to catch you. you waited til he reached you before pushing him into the water and smirking "be careful don't catch a cold~" you smiled and waved your hand at him, turning around and walking back before you felt two hands wrap around your waist and wetting your new clothes. He's so lame- ugh. you thought to yourself and looked over at Taehyung "really? That's all you've got?" you asked and chuckled before continuing to walk.

Taehyung sighed as he watched you walk away and followed you slowly, thinking about ideas of revenge he could pull on you.

That night Taehyung didn't get any sleep, he was making up plans and thinking of revenge. You didn't sleep as well, you were too busy changing the sheets in beds so that you could sleep on it, but when you were done, it was already 6 in the morning "damn what took me so long?" you asked yourself before entering the shower where a surprise awaited you.

You casually entered the shower and started cleaning yourself, you were about to leave when you felt something hit your head, looking up you saw a rain of green slime being poured from a bucket. And who did it? Taehyung of course. You heard his giggles and shook your head "asshole!" you yelled at the laughing man before sighing and washing yourself again. You smirked to yourself while doing it, remembering your plans for lunch.

OH HEYYYYYY IM SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING FOR SO SO LONG!! I've been really busy with exams and then I got writers' block wuebdjdjd but I'm back now and I'll try updating as much as I can! Thank you for 370 views omlll!! 💜💜💜💜💜 Have a good day my lovelies muah muah

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