First Day of School

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"This uniform is stupid," I said looking down at what I was wearing. A white buttoned up shirt tucked into a green short skirt and the whole thing held together by a red tie. Red, green, and white? This is not a horrible color scheme and I refused to wear the blazer. Screw that damn blazer

Shigaraki looked at me up and down. Obviously amused by this whole ordeal, "oh, I don't know it kind of suits you. The skirt is a little too long for my taste."

I glared at him while he looked at my short skirt. I laughed, "Haha you're so hilarious."

"Hurry up and get to school so we can get to All Might. This isn't a fashion show so get to it."

If only I could just hurt him a little but I won't stoop down to his level. I muttered a small goodbye and walked to school.

I made it to school a little early than I was supposed to but I wanted to make sure I found my class on time. Stupid school is so confusing. I was surprised to get into class 1-A. I mean I know I did good but not that good. God damn it if only I could actually find th-

Oh there it is.

I looked at the door and was confused on why it was so huge. Is there a student who's like a giant and they have to accomadent them or something. I walked through and spotted my teacher...Eraserhead or Mr.Aizawa. His attention was brought to me walking in and I smiled awkwardly.

"New student?"

I nodded softly and he groaned. Umm...okay? He stared at me for a long time. It made me question if he remembered me from the fight but then he said, "well the students won't be coming until a little later. Maybe you can take a tour of the campus until class starts and I can introduce you to the class."

"Yea okay," I said weirded out by the way it seemed like he didn't care. He's much more action and stuff when he's on the field.

"Good now go away I have some teacher stuff to do," he said while resting his head on his desk.

I guess teaching stuff equals nap time?

I walked around the place and observed every little thing. Hm I wonder when I'll see All Might. How do I get close enough to find out his weakness? Well I have time to figure something out.

I was lost in thought for a while until I looked up at the clock and I froze again. That clock... it was the same one they had. That family all those years ago. Sumiko Nakamura and Makoto Yamamoto. No...

I shook my head and looked at the time. I had a spasm attack because I was going to be late to class. I ran as fast as I could and luckily found my class again. Mr. Aisawa saw me standing in the door and said, "everyone, we have a new student today. Don't give the girl a hard time."

He motioned for me to come in and I stepped into the classroom and faced the rest of the class. Suddenly whispers filled up the whole room.

"Settled down everyone," she said while looking at me. I guess he wanted me to introduce myself. They were all staring at me. So many faces and some were familiar from the battle. Like frog girl and little purple guy and oh that brown haired girl from yesterday. My eyes landed on someone I haven't even thought about since then. That boy with the green hair. I guessed he noticed I was staring because he looked down blushing while awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

I frantically looked at the ground. Getting nervous all of a sudden. What if he remembered my voice? Not very possible but still. Just something about him being here made me feel weird.

I was a little nervous but it tried to be unfazed as I introduced myself, "uh hi. I'm Rea Okumara and I'm excited to learn along side you guys and become a hero even without quirk." God damn it, I didn't even mean to sound so stupid. He just caught me off guard. I panicked but the room as a whole was more concerned about me not having a quirk

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