Chapter Five - Part One

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Chapter Five: Enemies In The Shadows - Part One

"Up there," Evan said, lifting his chin to one of the walls. A gap between the wall and ceiling showed a passageway that led into darkness. "I believe the snake came and went through there."

"Likely a better chance than heading back to that chasm," Sam said.

"Yes," James said eagerly. "Ah, yeah, we... shouldn't go back that way." He shuddered at recalling the inexplicable events in the collapsing chasm, and that dragon ghost.

"Very well," Evan said. "I will go first." He picked up a nearby chair and pressed it against the wall. Jumping off the chair, Evan pushed a foot against the wall and reached the ledge, pulling himself up and over.

"So much gold," James said thoughtfully, looking over the coins and jewellery scattered on the ground. It made him wonder what was in the chest that was threatening to be burned. The fire had almost burned through the long table, which had collapsed on one side, and a heavy smoke was starting to fill the room.

Sam reached towards a low shelf and collected a handful of coins and gems, giving James a mischievous look.

"No fears of the treasure being cursed?" James asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

"Bad luck seems to follow us, anyway," Sam told him with a shrug. He dropped the handful of treasure into his satchel.

James studied the gold coins at his feet, but something held him back from taking anything. While he didn't believe the items to be cursed, he also didn't want to be reminded of his time here with every purchase he made with them.

He stepped to the chair by the wall, and then sheepishly realised he didn't need it. At least Sam did not give him any teasing looks for thinking of using a chair to climb a ten foot wall. James focused and jumped up, easily reaching the edge.

The square passage was large enough for James to comfortably crawl through. Following Evan–who was short enough to crouch and walk–James came to the end of the passage and saw that it opened on the side of a large tunnel. He jumped down and dusted off his clothes.

The tunnel stretched into darkness in both directions. It looked wide enough to fit two trucks side by side, and the curved ceiling reached around fifteen feet. The walls were curved slightly also, giving the tunnel a cylindrical appearance.

"The wind blows from the right," Sam said after he landed. He carried a flaming piece of wood, possibly a table leg. "Our best bet is that direction."

James strained to feel any wind, before giving up and deciding to take Sam's word.

They made their way through the tunnel. James stretched and took in the calm moment, wincing slightly at the dull pain in his shoulder.

"Glad to see you in one piece," Sam said to Evan.

Evan nodded, his large eyes gleaming pools in the low light. "You have my thanks. I had no doubt we would be reunited. The gods look upon us even down here."

James frowned at Evan's words. The Voarn's devout religious beliefs always gave him an uncomfortable feeling. His unfaltering beliefs advocated a large, daunting world that James just couldn't fully accept as real. He had seen a lot of strange stuff in his time in Tyken Town, but nothing, not even the books he'd read, could fully confirm the belief of fate and destiny, or actual gods in the world. Evan had claimed to have met a god once, or maybe it was twice, but James wasn't sure how much he could believe that.

"What happened to you back there?" Sam asked Evan. "You left our camp?"

Evan appeared to think about his response. "I could not sleep. I felt the need for a walk, to clear the day's excitement, and did not realise how far into the caves I had ventured, before becoming lost. I vaguely remember something striking me in the dark, and I can only assume it was that creature who took me."

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