Chapter Thirty Five

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Chapter Thirty Five: Dark Meetings 

Evan was drifting out of consciousness when he heard James enter their sleeping quarters. They had been given a row of bunks near the corner of a large room filled with beds. Other members of the outpost had come and gone - most were asleep at the moment - but Evan sensed when James entered the room. The metal bunk beside him creaked as James climbed into bed. Evan lay with his back to the sounds, aware that James's side light remained on for some time. The soft turning of pages told him James was looking through a book; likely the magic book given to him by Tabetha.

It had been a very long day, and yet James still felt compelled to read rather than sleep. There was something admirable there. And yet sleep was the last thing on Evan's mind too.

He refocused on his task, ignoring the sounds of the room, and searched inwards. One of the books Melida suggested had contained a concept that intrigued him. A meditative state where one could search within themselves and find their deepest and truest voice. It was a training exercise meant to help people find their way in life, but it could also be a way for Evan to communicate with his demonic resident.

Melida was right; it was better for him to learn more about the demon and look to secure his power over it. It had not fully revealed itself since Evan overpowered it, and he had begun to worry that it was scheming something, waiting for the right moment to strike.

In a way, the meditation was like searching for the spark within himself. As such, it didn't take him long to enter a dream-like state.

It was only when he became aware of the black void surrounding him that he realised he had entered the realm he sought. The darkness was broken only by a faint mist that was hard to see. Evan would have thought himself floating in this empty vacuum were it not for the solid feeling under his boots.

He remained still, assessing the environment and his state of consciousness.

"You." The harsh voice was barely a whisper, yet it rumbled and echoed around the black expanse.

"Where are you?" Evan asked.

A silence followed, before the voice said, "Leave."

"I just want to talk."

Evan stood there for some time, the faint grey mist slowly moving around him. It was so quiet he could hear his heart thumping in his ears.

It took him a moment to realise the darkness was shifting. Colours formed and a light grew. The ground became dark red and a night sky appeared over him. Trees and grass materialised all around, along with the soft roar of waves and quiet chirps of insects.

Evan's breath caught, but it didn't surprise him that the demon could conjure his darkest memory: that night in Moon Bay.

He stepped along the beach and looked around, marvelling at how real everything felt. His boots dug into the coarse sand, his tunic sleeves wavered in the low breeze, the salt sea and earthy plants smelled as fresh as the day he was there, over thirty years earlier. Wreathed in a purple glow, the floating rocks of Moon Bay passed overhead. With apprehension, Evan turned inland towards the beach. There was no sign of their camp where it should have been, and he let out a breath he had been holding. At least the demon had not included Evan's friends in this scene.

He turned around and saw a tall figure standing several feet away. The demon was almost indiscernible against the dark ocean, but Evan would not miss the towering shadow's long-limbed form.

They stood in silence, the waves softly roaring and chill night breeze blowing sand. It knows my mind, Evan thought. It chose my darkest memory in an attempt to gain an upper hand. It still fears me. He wondered if its power extended to hearing his thoughts inside his head, like how he was thinking now.

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