Chapter Twenty Two - Part Two

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Chapter Twenty Two: The Road Ahead - Part Two

Sam smiled. Something in his eyes shone.

"Well it must be as simple as jumping, right?" James said, with a hint of sarcasm. "I mean, so far everything I've tried hasn't been as bad as I thought. So maybe you're right. Maybe I just need to get over myself and give things a good try."

"It's all muscle memory," Sam said. "We just need to remind you how to channel magic."

Despite his determination, James couldn't help his pulse quickening. This is just another step towards being the real me, he told himself. Like it or not, it has to be done. A part of him wanted to show Evan how capable he really was. Another part, a deeper part, knew he would feel better after he showed himself he could do it.

"Okay then," James said, laying the book down.

"Whoa there, captain," Castan said, raising his arms. "What's this? No magic around here, if you please and thank you."

"A simple spell," Sam said, holding a hand up. "In a controlled environment supervised by highly experienced magic users. I assure you there's nothing to be afraid of."

Castan's face twisted into a frown, his eyes hardening. He maintained an amiable air about him, but there was something serious in him. It was the most sober James had seen the man.

"Right you are," Castan eventually said. He stood up. "About time for me to take a walk down the yellow trail, anyway. You fellas do your magic business while I'm gone, and I'll do my own business."

Castan waved to them and strode off, rounding some large rocks farther away.

"Yellow road?" James asked.

"He's gone for a piss," Sam said.

James chucked.

"What sorcery was James familiar with before?" Evan asked, getting up and sitting closer to them.

Sam shrugged a shoulder. "I'm not sure of the extent, but Light for a certainty. Light is the main source of Oneron magic, although we learn many classes during our studies."

"Air is known to be the easiest for beginners," Evan said. James noted the eagerness in his large eyes.

"True," Sam said thoughtfully. "Although I've always thought that if someone can channel fire, they can channel almost anything."

"I suppose I agree," Evan said.

"Fire it is," Sam said.

James opened his mouth to argue, but caught himself. Holding back had become a habit, he realised. He needed to push himself. Eventually he nodded. "Fire it is."

Sam stood up and gestured for them to do the same.

"It should be interesting to hear of an Oneron's sorcery," Evan said as he stood, wiping dirt from his trousers. "I have read that channelling can deviate greatly between different users."

"Some arts can vary greatly between power sources and cultures, aye," Sam agreed. He turned to James. "Now James, as you may have read before, magic is derived from the power of gods, channelled into our mortal plane through the magical realms that exist around us. This is the common source for all magic users. Fire, for example, comes from the god Ossus, the First Flame."

"Or Thaenos, the Voarn Smith-Lord" Evan cut in. He gave Sam a wry smile. "Better to give a broader lesson."

"Of course," Sam said. "There are many higher beings in the galaxy, many of whom wield the godly powers. That's not to say that one deity is correct or one is not so, of course."

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