Xiumim x Reader

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You were walking towards your favorite coffee shop. As you walked inside there where cameras inside. You ignored them while you walked inside the door. You ordered your usual you always came here. You knew all the workers here expect one a new one. He was cute he seemed to have a face of a 5 year old. He also seemed quiet he was basically just nodding at everything he was told to do.

You sat down on a table close to the window enjoying the senery. You looked at birds chirling and couples holding hands. You smiled it quickly faded. You never got asked out by anyone. You weren't pretty in high school and very shy, but now your cute at least you think so and your not as shy anymore.

As you where thinking this the new worker was staring at you thinking.

'Woah she's cute but she probably already has a boyfriend.' He sighed. He actually didnt work here he was just having a photoshoot here but the girl which is you didn't seem to recognize him. Then the photographer called him.

"Xiumin take this coffee to the girl over there. I'll take pictures of you form over here." He said passing Xiumin the coffee.

"Ok." Was all Xiumin replied with. He was already getting nervous even though he's not even close to you. He walked towards you and handed you the coffee.

"Here you go Miss." You looked up and locked with his eyes. Neither of you would look away. You started to blush and nodded. He came back to reality and started to blush to, but instead of leaving you he asked a question.

Well two. He gathered the courage and spoke.

"C-can I accompany you?" You nodded all that confidence and un-shyness was gone you turned shy again exactly like in high school.

"What's your name?" He tilted his head in the cutest way. 'Please! My heart can't take it!' You thought. You where falling for him even though you haven't even said a word to him.

"My name is [N-name]" you said. He smiled. 'Kya! Stop it' you thought.

"I'm Xiumin." He replied

After a while you two started talking and were probably best friends by now the photography yup Xiumin had told you everything. The photographer came up to you two and asked you if it was okay for you two to pose as a couple. Then made you blush plenty but nonetheless you nodded.

He told you to sit on Xiumin's lap and have your arms around his neck. You got up from your seat still a blushing mess and sat on Xiumin's lap which now made him also blush madly he also put his hands around your waist. You looked into his eyes and he looked into yours. Then you heard the camera snap pictures. You both started to crack up and laughing, but that stopped and went back to staring at eachother. This time Xiumin was leaning in and so where you.

The camera still snapping pictures and you kissed. The photographer said, "Okay Okay I'll leave you to alone." He laughed and went to look at the pictures. Xiumin used his free hand to blow air on himself. "It got hot." You giggled and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

You actually knew a lot about EXO. You just couldn't recognize him from far away.

This is the most fluff I have ever written. Oh my gawd. This was so hard xD. I think its good I think .-. This took me like a week to make cause I'm to lazy :p Anyways vote comment follow  a pancake go eat chips do what you want. Bye!

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