Chapter 2

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I walk into the kitchen breathing hard, red faced and sweating out of every pore in my body. I walk over to sink and drink. Gripping the sink I breathe in and out slowly. I didn't push myself too hard, at least I didn't vomit.

I walk to my room earphones still in and head straight to my bathroom, which I a major pro of being the only girl in the family - I get my own bathroom.
Once I changed into a pair of old tan t-sabs and a tight white strap top, I walk bare foot to the kitchen. I laugh to myself when I pass the empty space in the photo covered walls where my parents wedding photo hang only a few hours ago.

Taking the green tea I made in one hand I carry my honey bacon and honey toast in the other and walk outside sitting in the open next to Tom.

My brother who is on my other side tries to steal a bit of my toast but I swat him away.

"You barely left me any bacon - you don't get to have a bite." I laugh and take a bite.

"Don't blame me, blame Alex and Tom they were the last to eat!" James protects throwing his arms up in surrender.

I throw a little piece of cheese at Alex and slap Tom. They laugh it off as I continue eating.

"So how's high school going for you?" Josh teases

I role my eyes "I can't wait to leave!"

"Ya, but, bro, wait till you get to university. You'll miss high school, except when you out clubbing and you don't need to worry about fake IDs and all the shit!" Johno laughs

"And when you were in high school did you listen when someone said that to you?" I ask.

"Fair enough" he laughs

"Anyway how is uni going?" I ask mostly directing this toward my brother. I haven't seen him since he went back at the beginning of the year. He's only here for the party tonight, which they all drove down from Pretoria to come to. I sit listening to everyone talk about university, girls, rugby and whatever else.

"So, are you all in 2nd year?"

"No oupas not. He's in 1st year. He a little boy still." kian says

"What really?"

Oupa nods

"Ok no the nickname really doesn't make sense" I laugh and oupa just shrugs.

" well oupa here is properly the best rugby player, apart from me of coarse." Alex says

"Ya right!" Jay scoffs "oupa could take you."

"And win!" Kian adds

"Is that right?"

Oupa shrugs

"Let's go then big boy"

The two of them jump up and run to the grass in front of the veranda and start to tackle each other. I quickly jump up and run to my room. Grabbing my phone, art pencils and sketch book, I run back outside to where the boys are still tackling each other. I take a picture then sit down again. Tom and i sit by ourselves talking, while the rest of the boys play rugby.

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