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Chapter 1

"Be careful okay?" Liam rests his hand on my shoulder, staring into my eyes. His face is strewn with concern from the treacherous weather outside.

"Awe my best friend cares about me." I squeal. "I'll be fine Liam." I smile reassuringly. His caramel eyes soften slightly.

"Alright, bye Josephine." He kisses my forehead before closing the front door shut.

I sigh and walk into the pouring rain, down to my silver Acura ILK. The water drips into the seat as I open my door carefully.

"Shit." I mumble at the inconvenience. Aside from the uncomfortable water on the seat I begin driving away from Liam's flat.

As I ease onto the freeway another car honks at me. I sigh and speed up slightly. These damned people are impatient and unsafe.

Once I'm safely a few over the speed limit I begin to relax. Driving makes me nervous, although I've been driving for three years.

The car in front of me, a shiny large Hummer, jerks to a stop.

My reaction time is slow, causing the Hummer to collide directly into the front of my car. The airbag viciously implodes across my body, jerking me back. My vision goes blurry as I try helplessly to push the airbag away. My fingers turn weak as my eyes start dropping closed.

No, I need to fight this. But I'm so- I'm so tired.

My eyes finally close as my body relaxes against my seat. Rain pours vigorously against my car window, lulling me to a somber sleep.

| shitty, I know. Anyways, thank you for trying this fanfic out! I appreciate it loads. -Alyssa xx |

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