On the Ball with your Ball

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Y/N sat idly at a table, sipping water as he watched the older girls play Volleyball. He felt a cold finger tap his shoulder, and turned to face Yumi.

Yumi - You look kind of lonely. Would you like to join us?

Y/N - ...I'll just hold you back.

Yumi - Why do you say that?

Y/N looked up at her as a dotted line drew itself above their heads, comparing their height.

Yumi - Oh, right... Well, do you play anything else?

Y/N - ...I played Baseball for a while.

Yumi smiled, then took his hand in hers. 

Yumi - Come, we have a few bats if you're interested.

Y/N went along with her, grabbing a wooden bat as they went. The rest of the girls stopped to watch as Yumi set up a dummy to catch the ball.

Asuka - You got this, little guy!

Y/N looked at her, then back at the dummy, and his hair covered his eyes. He grabbed the ball from Yumi, and approached the dummy. The girls tilted their heads in confusion, but realized what Y/N was doing when Cartman popped out from behind the dummy. 

Cartman - Surprise, motherfucker! I'm back for round two!

Homura - Ah! It's that fat kid from yesterday!

Cartman - Don't fucking call me fat!

Yomi - What a foul mouth, your mother ought to wash it out with soap!

Cartman - What, you mean the same way she did the same with ****?

The girls' jaws collectively dropped, and Y/N finally stepped in front of Cartman. Cartman flapped his cape, then hid the lower half of his face with it.

Cartman - Come at me then, Commander Doucheba-

Cartman cut himself off as he watched Y/N chuck a ball upwards. While he was distracted, Y/N went in for the kill. He bashed Cartman to the ground with the bat, then started beating him with it until it broke.

Cartman - J-Jesus Christ, man!

Cartman scampered away, leaving Y/N with a bloodied, broken bat. When he turned back to the girls, they had mixed expressions/reactions. Asuka looked traumatized, covering her eyes in disbelief. Homura grinned, and gave him a thumbs up. Yumi just pinched the bridge of her nose, her eye twitching. Asuka peeked out of her fingers, and noticed something.

Asuka - Ah, Y/N-Kun watch-

But she was too late. The ball Y/N had chucked upwards rocketed back down, hitting him square on the top of his head. 

Ryoubi - If there's such a thing as Karma, that was definitely it.

Hikage - No kidding... but is he okay?

They watched as some of the other girls waved their hands in front of his face, getting no response. 

Homura - I think he got a concussion. 

Asuka - How do you get a concussion from a baseball?

Homura - Oh sweet, innocent Asuka. There are so many things in this world that can hurt you. But it's okay, I'm here. *Hugs Asuka* I'll protect you.

Asuka blushed a little, and wriggled out of her grasp.

Asuka - I think I'll pass on that... let's just see if...

She poked Y/N's cheek, which resulted in him falling on his back.

Asuka - Y/N-Kun?!

Ryoubi - Uh oh...


Y/N slowly opened his eyes, and looked around. He was in a normal looking room, aside from all the Japanese decor. One thing he did notice that was different, was that Asuka and Homura were in the room with him, fast asleep. It looks like Asuka had fallen asleep while resting her head on the desk, and it looked like Homura fell asleep on top of her. Y/N just shrugged, and went back to sleep. 

(DISCONTINUED) The Stick of Truth- Ninja and KnightsWhere stories live. Discover now