14. Clepsydra

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The morning was eerily calm, less than uneasy but not inherently peaceful. It was quite odd, but then again, the whole future was odd at this point.

The leaves crunched under the teen's boots as they tread the land.

"You can let me go at any time, fern-head," Enigma spoke up, holding their wrists (which were bound together by bright cyan energy) up as they walked alongside Silver.

"Shut up. Keep walking." The younger boy said sternly, giving the taller kid a glare.

"Man, if you really think I'm gonna attack you-"
"I do."
"...Look, I'm not gonna hurt you or anything."

Silver turned his attention back to the path ahead of them.

They were off of Sanpelagroso and now making their way back to the Cove. It was the only place that Silver knew they'd be safe at, and the only place where there was no vegetation, which meant Enigma would be powerless. He hoped so at least.

He had to find some way of contacting Moly or keep an extra eye out for comets; maybe try telepathically speaking to her? Something- ANYTHING to get into contact with her.

As they walked through Mystic Jungle, the unusual chill of cold air brushed the two teens fur, making them shiver.

Looking to the sky, Silver watched as clouds began to roll in. The weather was getting out of hand; from the heavy rain back on the island to the choppy waves of the sea on their sail back to land, and now this chill in the air made the atmosphere of uncertainty all that heavier. Compared to when Enigma had control of the Astrum, it was dangerous but the weather was always sunny. Always consistent and easy to predict, just like the wielder.
Silver knew what to expect when it came to Enigma, but with Moly... heck, he couldn't even make out the look on her face at times. She was shrouded in mystery, even after knowing her for a while. As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was afraid of what she could do under the influence of this corrupt-

"Heads up, it's gonna rain," Enigma spoke up, deeply inhaling before sighing pleasantly.

Silver simply gave them an odd look before observing the clouds above.

"Wait, wait, no... Snow?" The coyote's ears tilted as they looked at the dead grass ahead of them.

"Snow? No way, mangy. It's summer!"
"Listen here, Silverfish! I probably know a lot more about nature than you do!" Enigma growled, stopping their walk and glaring daggers at the hedgehog.

"Oh? And what makes you say that, ya green goblin?" Silver snapped back, turning to face him.

The two teens scowled into each other's eyes, foreheads pressed together as the two grit their teeth.

"I can literally hear what the grass is saying to me!"
"Oh really? Are they saying, 'help! There's a big nasty termite standing on us!'"
"No, they're saying, 'hey ya dumb maple-head, you should listen to the older more sensible guy!'"
"Right, like I should listen to the same guy who almost killed me!"
"Yeah, you should because I was able to get you to that point!"

The two's glares sharpened as their auras began to flare.

"Stupid metalhead!"
"Mangy mutt!"
"Irritating pest!"
"Gullible dirt sack!"
"I swear, I'll...!"
"Don't make me...!"


The two shot their heads to the sound and immediately, their auras faded and angry expressions softened. The four tiny Chao were out of the bag, hovering and holding one another.
Cobalt had their face in their little hands with Scarlet hugging them, both sobbing. Jade was hugging Topaz in fear while they looked at Silver disapprovingly. The honey Chao placed their blobby hands on their hips, their expression becoming one of bitterness.

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