7. Rootless

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What lay on the other side of the Rift, was a truly scary sight. The timeline they were in was the very definition of catastrophic. Broken buildings, debris, overheating temperatures, specks of embers and ash dusted the area and streets. What did Enigma do to this world...?

Moly checked her knapsack, smiling reassuringly at the Chao before she zipped it up securely. She watched as Silver landed on his feet and took a few steps forward. He stopped to observe the disarray of this version of the past, looking surprised at the stray embers and ashes.

Just ahead of them was their enemy-- Enigma. They heard a chuckle as the being turned to them. This was the first time Moly was able to get a full view of them.

The coyote was a light beige, three individual strands of spiked hair were dangling in front of their rich bronze eyes. They had a medium-length tail and perky ears, white belly, and hands. They wore a pair of deep brown and emerald green gloves. They wore an earthy tunic that ended at their waist, accompanied by a pair of black and moss-colored elephant shorts ending with a pair of bright green and black boots. Finally and most perplexing, was the glowing colorless Merkaba 12-pointed star crystal that was encased in a glass cage attached to a silver metal necklace.

"Back again, are we?" The coyote spoke with a smart tone, staring at Silver. Their eyes glanced at Moly and grinned. "And you brought a playmate."

"Cut the talk!" Silver spoke up, walking ahead of Moly towards Enigma. "This is about you and me, leave her out of this."

The coyote could only give a cold laugh before turning away from the duo. Something about them was off as if they didn't wish to battle. Their body enveloped in a static aura, levitating into the air as they turned to Silver.

"Come at me then, 'hero'."

Silver's teal energy swirled around his body as he dashed to Enigma.

Moly stood back, watching cautiously and following them as they would get farther away from their starting point. Indigo covered her body as she levitated a safe distance from the two.

Unexpectedly, the coyote didn't fight back and instead opted to dodge and hover away from Silver.

"Ha! What's a matter? Afraid you'll get your wolfy butt kicked again?" He taunted as he followed, raising rocks and hurling them at the coyote.

"I'm not a wolf! I'm a coyote!"
"Same difference!"

The taunt irritated the coyote, turning to face Silver as they shot a darkened energy projectile at the hedgehog. Fiendishly grinning at Silver's cry as it shocked his body, they dove down from the sky and hovered over something neither Moly or Silver were expecting to see.

Moly let herself drop down from her levitation onto the cracked streets and stared in horror at what lies below. Silver dropped in front of Moly, taking steps to the edge and staring in disbelief.

A large swirling pool of lava akin to that of a volcano. A core of some kind. The heat was indescribable, embers rising from the pool and lava rocks sinking into the center.

"What the hell..." Silver looked up at Enigma, his aura springing to life as he lunged at them. "What did you do?!"

Enigma kept their composure, holding their hand out and protecting themself in a gray barrier. Said barrier protected them from Silver. "It isn't my doing, boy." They vaguely stated before lowering their hands and staring at Silver. Their barrier remained.

"Funny that you don't remember this place."

"What are you talking about?" The boy questioned, getting fed up at the vagueness. He looked down at the lava pool below them.

Keep your focus. You don't wanna end up down there.

Enigma smiled at the distracted boy as they hovered closer to Silver, static beginning to leech into his bright teal energy. The coyote watched in amusement as Silver's energy began to feed into Enigma's power sources.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about."
"N-no I don't!"
"Then allow me to jog your memory!"

Enigma shouted as they telekinetically pulled Silver close to them and shoved him back onto the cracked pavement with a loud impact. Moly glared at the being and summoned her bow and arrow, shooting at the coyote who dodged them.

"First, you must be eliminated," Enigma spoke coldly as they teleported behind Moly, faking her out as they shot a sharp static spike into her back.

Moly gasped from the shock to her spine and fell to the ground. Her whole body was numb as if every limb was paralyzed. All she could do was watch.

"Perfect. Now stay that way, Vixen." The spike fizzled but the paralysis remained.

Silver struggled to get up, the shock to his body from the tingling static was lingering in his power sources. It was almost impossible to focus on rendering his psychokinesis useless.

He finally stood, eyes wide as he saw Moly laying still on the ground.
He ran to her side as he passed the coyote. "Moly!!"

"Stop." Enigma caught Silver in a choke-hold but was careful enough to not asphyxiate him.

"Now, how about this," Enigma began as he sent a shock of static through Silver's body before letting him drop to the ground. "Instead of fighting a battle that you will clearly lose; we play a game."

"W-what are you talking about?" Silver struggled to say as he forced himself to his feet before falling to his hands and knees.

"A game of Who Am I. With a twist."
"I list names you know, and you, you just listen."

Silver stood up, trying to summon his energy but it fizzled out. Enigma watched and shook their heads, flicking their hand at the boy's legs as he collapsed.

"The city. This city."
"Yeah, great job, you're s-smart enough to know what a city is."
"No you dunce, what is this city called?"
"I-I don't know! I don't care either!"

Silver struggled to his feet once more, his weakened legs were tingling with static as he fell back to his knees. Enigma knelt to Silver's level. Something about the look on their face was disconcerting.

"Your name is Silver, isn't it?"

Internally, he was petrified. How the hell did they know his name? He never told them it! Regardless, he had to keep his composure.

"Do you remember Blaze?"

Silver blinked a few times before shaking his head. "Who's that?"

"She was... Well, let's just say she was stupid. You, however, are cruel."

Silver was beyond confused. He honestly had no idea what the coyote was talking about. He didn't even know this city, all he knew was his enemy was here and was trying to... Well, do whatever he wanted to do.
As the static began to lessen in his limbs, the boy stood and clenched his fists. "Excuse me?"

Enigma stood up and gave a grin. "You heard me. You, silver boy, are cruel." The coyote threw his hands into a shrug and remarked with a snarky attitude, "dealing with amnesia must really suck. Unless you're faking it of course. Who knows. Maybe you just want to forget everything she did for you."

"Cut the crap, Mangy!" Silver shouted, "I came here for one reason and that is to stop you! Quit rambling about nonsense and hand over the Astrum!"

Enigma shook their head, feigning sympathy for his naivety. They held the glitchy glowing crystal in their hand. "What a pity. I suppose you'll need to learn the hard way."

The two glared at each other before they both made a move. Silver shot a telekinetic projectile to which Enigma dodged. They forced Silver back as he skids on the soles of his shoes. Before he could make another move, Enigma trapped him in a static barrier.

Unlike last time, however, this barrier didn't hurt or drain the life from him. Instead, it froze him still by locking his limbs. Just like static itself, the barrier has no color and was simply filled with white noise. Silver began to levitate against his will, struggling and trying to break free from the invisible grip.

Moly weakly pushed herself onto her hands, glaring daggers at Enigma before looking at Silver in disbelief. She struggled to form her bow and arrow but lacked the concentration from the white noise in her ears. She was useless, only good for watching this dreaded exchange.

"Astrum of all that is and ever will be, Astrum that can reshape the world to a wish, Astrum that holds the past, present, and future!" Enigma announced, their voice echoing as they held their hands to their sides. The Merkaba began to glow with an ominous luminosity. "Show this soul what he has forgotten! Show him the past! Show Silver the hedgehog the truth!"

With a sudden bright white light, the barrier glowed before fading into the sky. Silver's body was levitating slightly and wrapped in a swirling bright blue and green static energy, his eyes staring at the sky with a blank expression.

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