Chapter 5

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Alexia's POV
Well if you're curious why he's super angry then let me tell you...

An hour ago
My mate right now was going upstairs to what I think his room, well I'm still dangling from his bloody shoulder and I'm telling you this position isn't the nicest; I'm feeling dizzy and I really want to vomit.

My mate finally stopped in front of a room and from its smell, it's his. He opened the door but still didn't let go of me. He closed the door and moved a few steps and then finally, he put me on his bed, well it's actually more like threw me like a rag doll...

I kinda deserve it, I did scratch his back, shoulders, tried punching him, cursed him tons of times and kicked him in unwanted places...He still kinda deserved that.

"Why are you trying to run away, mate." Anger evident in his voice as he demanded an answer.

"I have no need to tell you anything and don't call me mate. I will never become anyone's mate." I was so pissed at him after he tried to mark me and took me against my will...

"You are my mate unless you don't want me to call you that, tell me your name." He said.

"Well, my name is Alexia so stop with the mate shit!" I snapped at him.

What the hell I'm such an idiot! I carelessly told him my name without thinking! Stupid Lexi!

"Such a pretty name."

Happiness flashed in his eyes but he quickly hid it as if he was unable to have these feelings...such a weird man.

"My name is Landon..."

Well, actually this is the first time I can see my mate clearly...
He had a finely muscled body, A few tattoos were covering some parts of his arms and slightly tanned torso.
He had honey eyes and black hair which from the looks of it is so soft like a puppy's. The moon goddess actually gave me such a hot mate but what karma, I can't be with him...

"Well nice to meet you Landon but I need to leave, goodbye now."

I attempted to stand up but he growled at me. Such an ill-tempered guy!

"You are not going anywhere, you are staying here with me. You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me."

Do you know when someone is calmly talking to you but his at the edge of becoming a storm? Well, he's exactly like that and me being me I pissed him off.

"I am not staying here with you and I am leaving this room right now!" I kicked his knee and he stumbled backwards; leaving me the opportunity to run to the door but unfortunately, he was so fast that he was in front of the door already blocking my way to my freedom...locking it.

Okay that's it I'm done playing nice with him!

"You've got 5 seconds to let me go or I'll be your worst nightmare!" I furiously said.
I could see amusement dancing in his eyes as if he was a 5-year-old watching a magician for the first time in his life.

"Well let's see what you can do Lexi." He grinned at me.

"Don't call me that!"

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