Chapter 17

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Previously on the Alpha's rogue

"You need to have a little more food before that. You need to be well built not bony...You'll get injured easily."

"Sweet Alexia. Alright, I'll go, the cookies should be taken out in around 10 minutes. Don't let them stay longer than that or they'll get burnt."

"The rogue was a female..."

"I'm here to listen." He softly said as he rested himself at the head of the bed, setting me on his lap.
Landon's POV

"When I was younger..."
She stopped as the tears began to descend from her sad dull eyes.

"Since I was born, I used to live the greatest days of my life. My mother from a French family and dad from an English one, They did everything they could to let me have the finest childhood anyone could ever dream of.
They made every birthday a fairy tale. They would always go on a shopping spree to buy everything for my birthday parties. They were the best parents anyone could ever ask for..." She choked at the last part.

"I'm sure they were..." I whispered as if I was too afraid she would break in hands. But the question is, Is she really fragile?

"As always, They went shopping a week before my birthday. They got me everything I wanted." She said with a ghost smile on her lips.

"Hours before the party, I spent a couple of hours with one of my so called "friends" as she wanted to make some cookies with me despite that my parents had already have everything we needed but as they would say, The more, the merrier.
Everything was ready for the party, all what was left was for me and the children to get gathered. Simple, right?
And we did. We all gathered at the pack house.
They sang the birthday song for me. I wished my birthday wish and blew the candles. It turned out pretty well at first, we started eating the cake and cookies and everything we made. Everything was fine until my dad got poisoned.
The cookies I made with my friend turned out that it had a strong dose of wolf's bane."

At this, I felt my blood run cold. How was it possible that the cookies had wolf's bane? It's harmful. Extremely harmful and deadly for any werewolf to have it enter his system. Just like the cobra poison.
How did that happen?

"As soon as he started coughing blood, We started to hear howls from a distance. Rogues invaded our pack. Every member of our pack went to fight while the she-wolves or elders who were looking after the kids or weren't fighting, went to hide. As I started to run away with the other pups, I was tackled to the ground by a rogue. Do you know who saved me? My mother.
She clawed at the rogue's eye and yelled at me to run away but I couldn't. I just couldn't, my legs were frozen; too afraid to leave her, the one whose possibly my last family member.
The already shifted rogue growled at my mother vigorously then lunged at me, almost killing me but my mother..."
She stopped for a while, probably recalling the horrible events.

"My mother saved me...By sacrificing her life.
She died protecting me because I was weak. After the rogue killed her, he turned for me but was killed by one of the pack warriors.
Her body was almost unrecognisable. I kept crying as some of the pack members were sobbing with me. Some angry, some shocked and some started blaming me. I stilled beside my mother's corpse till the girl who made the poisoned cookies with me came, she said the most confusing words ever; "Save me Alexia."
Just as she said these three words, she fell to the ground, lifeless. Everyone was confused from what happened. What I felt that day is something I never felt again.
It was as if magic was tossed upon them. A part of the people who loved my family suddenly started to blamed me and were strongly against the idea of me staying at the pack. They wanted to banish me away from the pack as I was a "bad omen" to them.
Only because the Luna was against my banishment, I was kept at the pack.
Because many of them believed that it was a rash decision to keep me, I was being mistreated but the Luna was kind to me and that was all I needed. She made the Alpha himself who despised me promise her that he shall not banish me no matter what.
The Luna also thought the same thing. She was almost sure that Black magic was used.
A month later, The Luna..." Her tears falling endlessly like a river.

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