Chapter 20

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                           Third person's POV

"Did you send the letter I ordered you to send?" A witch asked.

"Yes, my lady."

"And what's their response?"

"Nothing. They are still looking for more clues."

"Alright. You may go, if anything happens you are to come and tell me immediately beside that, you are to not interrupt me under any circumstances." She demanded.

"Yes, my lady."

As the slave closed the door behind him, he let out a shaky breath. He had been dreading his current position for years now, the witch's slave.
Fifteen years. For fifteen years, he had been working. Serving and doing everything she desires.

"You okay?" A not supposed to be cheerless voice asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. How are you today, brother?"

"Not as sick as yesterday."

The older slave simply said as he went to continue his sweet espionage time on the dark wood pack.
Meanwhile, the witch was using her powers to finish what she began from chaos for her victims.

A couple of hours later, the witch ordered her slaves to keep spying on the dark wood pack until any new actions are made. As she entered her house, she was welcomed by her new man. Before he could question where she had been all day, they ended up in their bed all night.

In the meantime, the heat's starting to hit Luna Alexia as she was having a night-walk with her mate.
                               Alexia's POV

As we were walking up a hill to Landon's castle up in the sky, I picked up a few things about the pack, including that all of the children in this pack are friendly towards everyone. No bullying, unlike my old pack. Just lively and happy children playing and helping each other.

I also noticed that my body's temperature isn't normal. Sometimes I'm almost freezing and sometimes I'm very hot. Maybe it's the heat hitting me, which makes me have to remember that I'll need to continue the mating process with Landon. Should I tell him?

"We're almost there," Landon announced to which I grinned at him.

"Well, I can't wait to see it." I giggled while taking his arm in mine as he grinned.

We carried on our walk until we finally reached the hill's top. There, a cosy hut stood almost at the end of the hill's edge.

"So...What do you think?" His nervousness hardly visible. Maybe I wouldn't have known that he was if I hadn't known him well.

"It's beautiful," I whispered as I was in awe.
The dark almost black sky was cloudless as the burning bright stars decorated it.
I didn't even mumble for a while; hesitated to break the silence that resonated everywhere. The soothing silence.

"Come with me to the edge, we'll sit there." He said and we did. We sat down near the brim, backs on the grass, heads to the stars and hand in hand together, we watched the night as it moved on.

"Now I understand why you said it's a castle in the sky." I smiled to which he hummed, amusement easily appears on his face.

The hut along with the edge of the cliff was so high up you feel like you're sitting with the silent universe.

Stars shone as they were spilt over black marble, glistening in the heavens. The night stratosphere was such a welcome sight, appearing like magic each nightfall, promising to return as she faded in dawn's first light. There were times in the daytime under skies of blue when I'd think of those faraway celestial bodies and how they'd return after the shadows blended into the dark.

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