18 | 1:30AM

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(spoiler: this is NOT a filler - read A/N)

jaemin set him on the couch for the time being. "let me shower first. should we...wake him up? doesn't he need to shower too?" chenle scrunched up his nose. "obviously. let me wake him." donghyuck put an arm out to block the boy from moving any further. "he'll wake up and he'll do it himself. let him be." jaemin shrugged and took a pen and paper as the others went up to donghyuck's room. he noted the time. "10:58?" he swore they were out for, like, 20 minutes. he quickly scribbled a message for renjun when he woke up.

after his shower, he went into 'his' room to hang up his towel and sighed just thinking about the fact that the bed would suddenly(and weirdly) feel a lot bigger without renjun's rather tiny self curled up in it.

"you have a crush on my brother?" chenle said quite loudly. the three already present in donghyuck's room shushed the boy. "m-maybe..." jaemin stuttered, flinging his semi-dry hair everywhere. "okay tell me the details." donghyuck said. jaemin sighed before telling the four boys what had happened. "okay so...did you tell him?" mark asked from donghyuck's desk chair. jaemin shyly shook his head, making donghyuck and jeno groan. "i told you he was a pussy." donghyuck said, making jaemin blush. "i-it's not easy okay?" donghyuck then began to shoo people away. "what about chenle?" jeno asked. donghyuck pursed his lips. "i'll get another air mattress; chenle stays here."

"let me go to jaemin's room first. i don't understand a single thing right now." chenle said, tagging along to the adjacent room. jeno snorted for the nth time that week. "why do you keep doing that?" jaemin mumbled. "cus he doesn't know that we're supposed to use an honourific and it's funny." jeno replied. "well tell him then. so he doesn't offend other people in the future." chenle looked at the two older boys with confusion on his face. they had been speaking in korean. "we're just talking about how you never use honourifics when addressing any of us." jeno began explaining as chenle suddenly looked embarrassed. "we don't blame you. you wouldn't know what to use anyway." jaemin said. "so...what did you want to ask?"

"ah yeah...uh since when did you like my brother?" chenle asked, spinning a round in the room's rolly-chair. "um...we'll it's probably a few months after i started talking to renjun. i liked his personality instantly; he was funny and such a kind and forgiving person. i could see the compassion flowing out of him..." jeno completed jaemin's rant with a fake gag sound, earning him laughter from chenle and a pillow from jaemin. "i was gonna ask what you liked about ge but you've already answered that." chenle shrugged. the door flew open and an out of breath donghyuck appeared at the door. "the...mattress...is done..." he weakly kept pointing into the hallway as he spoke between breaths. chenle giggled and left, bidding a good night to the other two older boys. "are you going to stay up or sleep?" jeno asked. jaemin shrugged. "i could try to stay up but god knows what time he'll wake up." jeno couldn't say anything. "okay...well good night then." all lights, except one, were switched off and the two fell asleep.

it was around 1:30 in the morning when renjun finally woke up to a dark living room. "oh fuck." he quietly cursed as he tried to find a light switch. he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and blinked. a note was neatly placed on the coffee table, inches away from where he was sleeping.

to renjunnie

hey it's nana...um i don't know what time you're gonna be awake. it's 10:58 right now. you know how hyuck doesn't like us to sleep on this stupid couch? well i don't want that either. so get your ass in the shower and come to bed >:(

mayhaps i want to tell you something.

- your favourite, nana

renjun smiled. he went into the room he slept in and kept the note in his duffel bag, quickly hopping in and out of the shower. what would jaemin have to tell him? did it have to do with what he wanted to ask some hours ago? renjun returned to the silent room. it was nearly dark, the only light source a little lamp jaemin left turned on on the study table. both boys were already fast asleep as renjun tried to squeeze his way into the bed. what little sound the boy made had jaemin stirring awake. "injun!" he whisper-shouted. "oh you scared me." renjun said back, a hand on his chest. "did you try to stay awake?" renjun asked, trying to keep his voice down. "maybe..." jaemin said. renjun sighed. then he remembered what jaemin wrote in his note. "you...had something to say?"

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