21 | I Don't Want To Leave

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that fateful day, renjun stayed at (donghyuck's) home and never left the house. maybe if he did, he would still be around.

as jaemin walked with the rest back to donghyuck's, he got a text that interrupted his song. after silently cursing, he opened it to see that it was his mom and he scrunched up his face as he read it.



Jaemin, baby, come home

why would i return to someplace where i'm CLEARLY not welcome

We're going to change.
Just come back.

going to?
so after a week, you've still not changed?
then how can i come back?
i will not stand your looks or your secret whispering. i know that household and it is TOXIC

We just want to know that you are safe. What's safer than your own home?


Yes, it is! And you WILL come back this INSTANT. If i don't see you walk through the door in half an hour, I will PERSONALLY go over and bring you BACK.


"yo, jaemin. are you okay?" donghyuck asked. oh, he was always observant. jaemin had been sniffling and tears suddenly began streaming down his cheeks. jeno rustled through his messy bag and managed to produce a packet of tissues. jaemin took one. once his crying was over, mark encouraged jaemin to let them know what happened. "i-i got a text from my mom...saying to go back to that hell hole." he spat out the words with venom. he truly hated the place and the people in it. "if i'm n-not there, she'll come to yours and drag me herself." jaemin pointed at donghyuck. the boy closed and opened his eyes, whispering a curse quietly. the four continued to walk along and discuss anything they could do. except, no one said anything. they had no idea what to do. jaemin sighed as he began to see signs of a darkening sky. not rain, no, but the transition from afternoon to evening. it reminded him of renjun- oh my god.


jaemin yanked his phone out of his pocket and sent a chain of texts.



injun !
i'm sorry but i can't stay with hyuck any more...
my parents are forcing me to stay with them
god, i can't stand them
i hope you'll do fine with hyuck..
i know i never really said it,
but injun...i love you.
anyway, see you tmr maybe? yk, after school and everything.


the boys arrived at donghyuck's house and jaemin went to pack all his items. of course, he didn't have much and only filled a small plastic bag that donghyuck gave him. "renjun?" jaemin asked, wanting to see him. donghyuck checked the rooms and shrugged. jaemin sighed and what light of hope in his eyes fizzled out. "see you at school." jaemin left.

"guys." donghyuck's eyes were wide as he called the others. they huddled around. "renjun's not here." mark's eyebrows raised. "i mean, that's what you told him didn't you?" donghyuck's hands flew all over the place, "no, i mean, renjun's bags- chenle's bags. they're gone."

"i'm sorry, what the fuck?"

donghyuck sighed as they all sat on the couch. "what i'm saying is, renjun and chenle are not here- in this house; their bags are gone." jeno stayed in confusion, "what bags?" donghyuck groaned. "the ones they came with. those black duffel bags. always wondered what was in them..." he trailed off. "so where are they?" mark asked. donghyuck only shrugged. the three debated whether to tell jaemin. "he's gonna he so depressed though. i mean, he really clearly has something for the boy. we should keep this from him." jeno said. "but he's gonna be even more mad once he finds out- whenever!" donghyuck argued. both looked at mark for a conclusion. "don't tell him...he's got so much on his plate already."

jaemin was in his room. his old room. still felt the same. he knew it wasn't though, and that it never will be. he saw the tension in the room when he walked in; his sister giving a wide-eyed look and his father not even glancing up from his television-watching marathon. only his mother seemed to give any effort to 'welcome' him back; if that's what they even tried to do. checking his phone, he realised that renjun hadn't responded at all. now he was worried. his last seen was in the morning and it was turning dark soon.



are you okay?
are u back at hyuck's?
you weren't there today i couldn't say goodbye:(
i miss you
i miss you so much-
fuck renjun, please tell me you're okay...
i'm worried when you're not at hyuck's to greet me...
that sounds weird haha...
i'm sorry for spamming you i miss you too much i hate living here
but just please tell me you're okay...


jaemin stared at the screen. renjun was okay! or...at least he thought. jaemin waited and waited but no reply came. only now, he noticed the wetness on his cheeks. he'd been crying? oh, he's been crying a lot lately... "jaemin! dinner!"

thursday. fuck, walking without his friends was such a bore. no one to talk to. oh well. "ya! stop making me run!" jaemin turned around to see donghyuck rushing madly at him, suddenly engulfing him in a hug. mark and jeno came slightly behind. "god, he's so annoying." mark panted. donghyuck gave a cheeky smile. "jaemin! we missed you." jaemin gave a sad smile, "me too."

throughout the school day, jaemin seemed so out of it. he didn't feel productive at all. he wouldn't called it 'depression' but fuck...he felt so low. "you okay?" jaemin side glanced his physics seat partner. "do i look okay, seungmin?" god, he felt bad talking to the sunshine boy like that but he was in such a shit mood. all because of one boy. just what was renjun doing to him? seungmin's kind smile dropped and he mumbled a small "sorry." their teacher had finished teaching the material and had started giving worksheets. after she had returned to her seat and let them begin work, jaemin whispered lowly to seungmin. "maybe come to our table at lunch; i'll tell you then." seungmin nodded.

edit: ayo ayo(i hate myself so much) round2 editor eli is back yeeyee i probably will stop making these stupid messages until i actually do some major-ish changes to the chapter

A/N: HEY I KEPT TO MY 1K-ISH LIMIT !! also typing as an adult really sucks. what?? is ?? capital letters??

okay so this was kind of rushed so i'm sorry if things don't make sense??? whoops. anyway i just wanna say: hi, i love u !! also i'm mixing in a little stray kids uwu hope y'all don't mind.

other notes that don't need to be here: I HAVE TO VLOG MY WEEKEND FOR FRENCH CAN YOU SEE HOW FUCKED I AM i literally don't like to speak it in front of my parents(they took french before so hh scared of judgement) so i'm resorting to a voiceover. at least i can record it when they're not home :D BUT A VLOG!!1!1 damn that sucks.

okay well thank you for reading huhu

btw, how many chapters do you except this to go on for? i hope i get some replies because i wanna see how long you think this plot line should go on for. that helps me know if i'm on the right track and helps me know if i'm droning on or rushing the story. thank you !!

comment anything and leave a vote ! 🤗🤗

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