aimer. 1786.

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<This chapter contains graphic making out, readers be warned.>

Sirius wishes he could wake up like this everything morning for the rest of his life.

Next to a still sleeping Remus, their bodies pressed so close to each other they could become one being. The warmth coming from his lover's body is waking his sore bones, the cold wind of dawn making him shiver as he wraps himself tighter in his blankets.

Remus is magnificent in Orpheus' arms, he looks like an angel you could find on Versailles' painted ceilings, with his soft brown hair and freckled covered shoulders. There is nothing in him that Sirius doesn't love more than life itself.

They find ways to wake up next to each other.

Most of the time, like today, they are hidden in one of the forgotten stables of the Black family, where Remus had sneaked in a matress and stolen bottles of wine from Orion's cellar. Other times, they would love each other until morning in one of the Potter's barns where no one would come find them.

Sirius was sure that heaven could not have been better than Remus' arms, this boy was his God and he would stay his God until his dying breath.

"Why are you awake?" Whispered the esquire with a smile, sleep still marked on his face.

"The sun woke me up but you can go back to sleep, if you want."

"Why would I want to sleep if you are awake, you won't be in my dreams."

"And why is that?" Laughted Sirius, love filling his weak heart.

"Because we share our dreams." Answered Remus has he sat down next to his lover. "If we share a heart, then we share dreams."

Sirius kissed Remus' lips, making them both fall into the messy bed with giggles and growing desire. The Black heir caressed his lover's hair, staring into the boy's eyes and soul with burning passion.

"I love you, Remus John Lupin."

"And I love you, Sirius Orion Black." Murmured the esquire, his eyes filling with tears as he kissed Sirius once again.

"Why are you crying, Remy?" Sirius started to press his lips to the boy's neck, biting the pale skin tenderly, making Remus mewl.

"Because I never thought you, of all people, would be mine." Cried out the esquire, tensing as Sirius' lips dropped lower and lower on his body. "I never deserved someone like you, someone so beautiful and so kind."

"Shut up." Said Sirius as he bitten harder into the boy's shoulder, almost drawing blood. "You deserve all of me, I am the one who's lucky to have you."

"Sirius, I am a poor esquire with no land or name. You are one of the richest heirs of France, you could have anyone."

"And yet, I only want you."

Remus groaned, deepening the kiss as he wrapped his arms around his lover's neck. How had they lived before all of this ? How can one live when they are incomplete? Because Sirius knows now that he lived eighteen years with a piece of him missing.

Sirius grabbed Remus' arms and pinned them to the mattress, becoming the one to control the kisses and caresses both boys enjoyed deeply. Remus moaned, leaning into his lover's soft touches as he rolls his hips to make Sirius groan.

"You are sinful, Remus Lupin." Sirius stammers. "Absolutely sinful."

Sirius leans down and noses against Remus' neck, biting and licking the soft skin over Remus' pulse point, making him gasps as he nips harder on the same spot, his teeth leaving a pink bruise on his lover's throat.

"How can I be the sinful one when you make me feel like this." Purrs Remus, his eyes are huge, pupils dilated with desire.

Sirius pulls back to admire his work, the bruise on Remus' neck is exquisite and his lover's lips are redder and puffier than usual, he looks wrecked.

They won't last very long if they keep kissing like this, teasing and dancing with each other's pleasure. Sirius gently bites Remus' bottom lip before finally letting go of the boy's arms. Remus takes advantage of his new found freedom to inverse their position, towering over Sirius' perfect body as he caresses his lover's abs.

"Do you want me to continue?" Whispers Remus, his cold fingers are making Sirius whines. "We should already be back at your house, dressed and ready to impress your fiancée."

Sirius has never been able to resist Remus when he's this possessive, when he's jealous and ready to ruin him with his words and body. He moans harder when Remus leans closer to his ear, breath hot against his skin.

"What would your parents say if they knew how much you love this? What would Adélaïde think if she knew how much you hate the idea of touching her curves? How much you love me and not her?"

There is something bitter in Remus' voice and Sirius knows that they can hide here, they can roll around in these sheets and love each other so much it hurts, but Sirius will never belong to Remus, not totally.

"You can have all of me, Sirius. It doesn't matter that I cannot have you forever, today you belong to me, right?"

Sirius wants to lie, he wants to drown himself in the scent of Remus and forget everything in the warmth of his lover's arms. He wants to say that he belongs to Remus forever, that nothing will ever keep them apart, that they will leave together and never come back.

Black family be damned, they will escape from this golden cage and love each other until the world crumbles to ashes, until they both die from old age or from loving each other too much. Sirius wants to say it, the words are on his lips.

But he's never been able to lie to Remus, so he moans and kisses his lover. He forgets about the storm that will come one day and tear them apart, he forgets about his soon to come wedding and everything that will come with it. He forgets about the screams and cries of the French people when they see the bourgeoisie on the streets. He forgets about how he is from the bourgeoisie and Remus is not, he doesn't want to think about the consequences of such things if the rumors are true, if a war is really to come.

For now, they belong to each other.

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