Black Cat P.P.

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For this imagine you are Felicia Hardy (aka black cat)

It was a normal night for you in the city of New York. The streets were busy, the roofs were empty and the museums and other stores were ready to be broken into. You quickly run across the roof and jump off it. You land on another roof and scope out the area.

"Right, let's take a look to see what places I haven't broke into in this area yet" You say to yourself scanning the buildings

"Ahhh, surprisingly I have never visited Brooklyn Museum" You say

"Let's go take a look and see what's inside" You say as you run to the roof window and break it so you can sneak in

When you get in it doesn't surprise you that there isn't that much security, maybe two or three guards walking around the exhibits. It's too easy for you now, you silently take out the guards one by one, knocking them out and tying them up so they don't call for back up while you take stuff. You walk over to see a ancient map that emperors in China would fight over centuries ago, now its very valuable and worth a lot of money. You wouldn't mind having that in your apartment so you grab it and store it away in your bag attached to your suit.

All of a sudden the museum alarm goes off and you quickly get out of there without anyone seeing you. When you get on the roof you run and jump across rooftops trying to get away from the museum without being seen. You stop on a rooftop to catch your breath until you hear a familiar sound behind you. You turn around to see him standing there looking at you.

"Hey spidey, how you doing" You say in a flirtatious voice

"Enough Felicia, stop the crimes and give up, you aren't helping yourself" He says, you scoff as you sit on a box on the roof

"Nah, I prefer taking stuff I want, when I want" You say smirking, he looks at you and takes a step forward

"Alright then, guess I'll just have to do this the hard way" He says

"That's gonna be a challenge spidey" You say as you drop a gas grenade and jump off the roof. You get your grappler out and grapple to a building not that far away, you quickly turn to check if Spidey is chasing you. The answer is yes, he is chasing you. You stop on the building and turn to face him. You move your fingertips to let the claws on your gloves come out, you then run to him and slide so you get behind him and kick him so he falls to his knees. He quickly gets up and flips over you and kicks you in the back. You begin to fall but quickly roll over.

"I'm sorry is this yours?" He asks you, you look at his hand to see he has your bag. You pounce yourself at him and punch him in the jaw, he takes the punch and then throws the bag and webshots it to stick to part of the wall. He tries to punch you which you dodge until he kicks one of your foot making you lose your balance and you fall to the ground. He shoots a web at your arms which are above your head, he sits above you and leans over looking at you.

"Give up, it's over Felicia" He says

"I don't think so Spidey" You say, you cut loose of the webs and punch him, during that you move him and sit on top of him and grab his arms so he can't get free.

"Let me go Felicia" He says trying to get free

"I don't think so Spidey" You say leaning closer to his mask, you grab his hand and shoot a web at his hands so he is now pinned down by his webs. You move your hands down his chest and then up to the end of his mask. You start to take it off but leave it so you can see his nose and lips.

"Don't worry Spidey I won't unmask you but I need to see you lips so I can do this" You say as you attach your lips to his. At first he's shocked but then quickly kisses you back. Somehow he gets free of the webs but doesn't stop kissing you but rather moves his hands down to your waist holding you. The kissing lasts for a while until you hear your bag drop from the web. You stop kissing him and look at him for a minute before you walk over and pick up your bag. He stands up and looks at you.

"Felicia please stop, I can help you" He says worried

"I'll think about it" You say as you give him one last kiss before you jump off the building making your way back to your apartment, with the last thing he said to you staying in your mind for the rest of the night.

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