Can We Dance?

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I would like to dedicate this story to my best friend c2004vfse as a birthday present.
Happy birthday!! (๑>◡<๑)
I hope you have a fantastic day, you deserve all of it.
Thank you for being there for me, except when you leave me on read.
Love yaaa ( ◠‿◠ )

By the way The Vamps have released a new EP today called "Missing You". You can listen to it everywhere, so give it a try.


Beca's P.O.V.
Here we go again. Another alcohol free drink for Beca. Why did I cave in to go clubbing with Emy? She leaves me as soon as we enter anyways. She's probably already somewhere with a random guy she met. The worst part is that I'm the one who has to stay sober to take us home, because she for sure won't do it. But tonight she has to do it herself, because I'm leaving now. I'm so bored. Where's Emy? I need to tell her I'm going home. She can call me if she need a ride or anything. Wait, I think I saw Emy over there! Yes I did! I grab my drink and rushes towards her. But just as I take a step I bump into someone. I fall backwards and spill my drink everywhere. Of course that had to happen! I didn't even get a chance to see the person, I only saw red.
"Oh my god I am so sorry! I was just on my way home and I.." a female voice starts.
"No no it's okay. I think it was me who bumped into you anyways."
"Uhm are you sure?"
"Yes I am. Now will you please help me up?" I ask, and hold up my hand.
"Oh of course, sorry." She grabs my hand and pull me up. Her hands are so soft. Like marshmallows!
"Thank you," I say and look at her.
"No problem. And sorry that you bumped into me," she laughs. I laugh too. For the first time I actually get to see her face. She's a stunning redhead with the most beautiful blue eyes I have ever seen. Around her face is flames of curly red hair. That explains why I only saw red.
"Hey I picked up your drink while you were staring," she continues and hands me the now empty cup. I blush and accepts it. What's wrong with me? Maybe there was alcohol in the drink. "Your hands remind me of marshmallows." I blurt out.
She looks at me confused. "What do you mean by marshmallows?"
"Ehhmm, I meant that your hands are soft. Like marshmallows. Marshmallows are soft. And tasty. Not that your hands are tasty, I haven't tasted them. But maybe they're sweet too! Wait that made no sense. I'm sorry I thought the drink was alcohol free," I ramble.
She giggles. "It's alright. I don't think my hands are sweet though. But I think you're sweet," she smiles at me.
"Thanks. I think you're sweat too. No sorry, sweet. I meant sweet. Not sweat. Sweat smells bad. You don't smell bad. Sorry I think the alcohol made me a little bit tipsy." Why do I keep saying all these stupid things? I meet a beautiful redhead and what's the first thing I say? You're sweat and you hands remind me of marshmallows. Uhhrg why am I so stupid?!
"It's alright, I know you mean well." She winks at me with a twinkle in her eyes.
I swear I could've kissed her right there. If I could just put my hands on her bright pink cheeks and kiss her, instead of holding this empty cup. Wait what? Oh no, I am NOT falling for someone I've just met! Or am I? I don't even know her name! Uhhrg why is this so hard?!
"You wanna grab another drink?" She asks me smiling.
"Uhm yeah sure. But I thought you were on your way home?"
"I was on my way home because I was bored. But I'm not anymore."
"I can say the exact same thing," I laugh. We sit us at the bar and she orders a drink. I just made the bartender refill my yellow cup. A little one can't hurt right? If I just take one more drink and then I should go. But I like her, maybe she likes me too? I just can't think of what to say. What if I say something stupid again? I should just go. But I can't let her slip away! I think I'll just stay for a little longer.
"So what's you name?" I ask
"Chloe," she answers smiling.
"That's a pretty name."
She blushes a little and looks down. She's so adorable!
"I'm Beca by the way."
"That's a pretty name too."
I also blush a little.
"I think you're pretty pretty," I say.
She blushes even more, but looks up this time. We lock eyes. Time seems to stand still. I could sit like this forever, just me and her. Leaning closer to each other. Until... "Chloe, there you are!" We immediately sit back.
"I've been looking for you everywhere. I thought you said you were gonna head home. And who's this?" A blonde woman asks"
"I'm..." I start, but Chloe interrupts me 
"This is Beca. Beca, this is Aubrey, my best friend."
"Oh hi Beca, nice to meet you," Aubrey greets me.
"You too," I nod towards her.
"Chloe I'm gonna call a cap now. I'll be back in a few minutes, say your farewells."
I take a deep breath. Okay, this is my chance! If I wanna get to know to her I need to make a move now.
"Uhm... this maybe sound spontaneous but I... I really like you. Not only like a friend. It's just... it feels like my heart's not made for anyone else than you. I would really like to speak to you again soon, so maybe we could exchange numbers or something like that?" I ask nervous.
"Wow, didn't see that coming," she says surprised. "But of course we can exchange numbers," she smiles. I smile back. She gets a napkin and a pen, and starts writing down her number. Just as she finishes Emy appears behind me. "Wazzuuup? Fat Emy is in da houwse!" She's clearly drunk and I can smell the alcohol.
"Arwe the big BM gettin' another wone night staaaand tonight?" Chloe looks oddly at me. I try to stop Emy, but she continues. "You'we done gweat this time Beczzzz. She's a wreeeaaal hottie."
"Listen Chloe, it's not what you think. She's just drunk and..." I try, but useless.
"How much you gettin' paid ginger?" Emy continues.
"I think I've heard enough," Chloe says sternly, and stands up.
"But Chloe..."
"No! Go find another one night stand, because I'm leaving!" Her voice cracks. She takes the napkin, rips it apart and storms out the door.

"Why did you say that Emy?! You know I would never do that!!"
"Yeah, but you'we newer had a girlfwiend, and she looked too pwetty to be it."
"You just ruined my chance to actually have one!" I yell frustrated. I grab another drink and empties it. I actually think she really liked me. I should go home. Maybe I can drive if there isn't too much alcohol in the drinks I drank. "Excuse me bartender? How much alcohol is in this drink?"
"It's alcohol free miss."
It was alcohol free! Just like I thought from the beginning!Then all the weird things I said wasn't the alcohol's fault. Was i really that nervous when I spoke to her? I must've been. No wonder it felt so special being with her. I can't let her go!!
I place my drink on the table and rushes out the door. If I hurry I can follow their cab! It'll hopefully lead me to her door, and then I can apologise. Especially for Emy.

I enter the street just as I see the cap start. I run towards the cap as fast as I can. I've messed up this time. Please say she'll change her mind and forgive me.
"Stop!" I yell and jump in front of the cap. It stops with a loud noise and the driver looks at me annoyed. I run to the side of the cap and knock on the car window opposite of Chloe. Her blonde friend rolls it down slightly. Aubrey I think it was.
"Chloe I'm so sorry for what Emy said, will you please let me explain?" I ask out of breath. Chloe's about to speak up when her friend interrupts.
"No she has had enough, so please leave!" She says firmly.
"Aubrey no, everyone deserves a second chance. And she haven't actually been able to explain before," Chloe says calmly. Aubrey sighs and nods. Chloe exits her door and slowly approach me.
"You get 5 minutes," Aubrey says sternly and rolls up her window.

"Okay listen to me," I begin. "When I drink, I talk a lot of shit. I always go too fast and end up extremely drunk. But this night I took it slow. I did it, because I met someone I wanted to impress. I thought it was the drinks that made me say weird stuff, but I just found out they were alcohol free. And then I finally realised what made the whole meeting with you so special. It was love. And I'm sorry, but I can't let you go again." I give myself a mental high-five. That was actually good.
"You're really sweet and I really like you, but I am not interested in just being another one of your so called one night stands."
"About that, Emy was drunk. When she's drunk she makes up a lot of things. Don't mind her, I know she's crazy."
"But then why are you friends with her?"
"She's one of the only friends I have. And I know I don't know you, but I'd like if we could just continue as we did before. Like, skip the small talk and romance, because we've kinda already done that," I laugh a little.
She smiles and grabs my hands. "Of course we can. And thank you. I really appreciate you apologise. I'm sorry I didn't let you explain. I believe you now, your friend was just drunk. But if you're lying, I will not give you a second chance!" She points at me firmly.
"Thank you for forgiving me. And Emy," I answer, laughing slightly.
"You're welcome. Do you have anything more to say? Or else I'll just give you my number and head home."
"No, that was all I had to say. But if you'd stay here... can we dance?" I ask hopeful.
She looks thoughtful for a moment, but then goes back to the cab and reopens the door. I can see her talking with Aubrey.
I really hope she won't reject me!
The car door closes again and Chloe approach me. She smiles and looks me deeply in the eyes. "I would love to dance with you," she says. Then she pulls me closer and our lips meet for the first time. I'm shocked to say at least. It feels so different from everything I've ever tried. It's so gentle and caring and her lips are so soft. I kiss back almost immediately. She smiles into the kiss, and so do I.
I can't wait to dance with her.

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