A Bellas Rehersal

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Chloe's P.O.V.
"Come on Bellas, faster! I know you can do it, it's only 3 more laps!" Aubrey shouts, while she bosses around with us.
"Urgh, do we HAVE to do this?!" Beca complains.
"Yes you do. Now hurry up! I have some team building trust exercises that I want us to try."
"How can you be friends with her?" Beca asks me sarcastic. I laugh. "Well, she's there for me, and knows all the right thing to say at the right moments." I smile at her.
"Must be nice to have someone special. I'd like that." Beca murmurs. I don't think I was supposed to hear it, but I can't help but ask her anyways. "What do you mean by that Becs?"
"Oh umm... nothing. It's nothing, you don't have to think about it." She quickly stutters and looks away. I'm not sure, but I think she blushed too. That's weird, Beca has never been that kind of girl to blush.
"But Beca..."
"Beca and Chloe. More running, less talking." Aubrey interrupts me. We stop talking, but I still thinks about what Beca said. Does she mean like a friend or like... maybe a girlfriend? I hope it's the last one. I'd like that too. Wait what? Come on Chloe, don't be silly. Of course she doesn't like you back. Why would she do that? She doesn't seem neither gay nor bi. But why would she blush then? It could be possible. Everyone knows Beca's hides her feelings behind her walls. But she opens up to you, she would have told you. No she wouldn't. You still haven't told her! She probably didn't even blush, it was just something you imagined.
"Chloe? We are done running laps, you don't have to continue." Aubrey stands a few feet in front of me and waves her hands.
"Sorry, I was just thinking."
"It's okay, just don't doze out when I explain the exercise. Which is now." She looks at the other girls. "Today I'm going to show you a a new exercise I like to call The Airplane. It's an AcroYoga position, and requires three people. One plays the base, one plays the flyer and the last one is the spotter, who's job is to make sure the flyer doesn't fall. Stacie and Chloe, would you come up here?"
Stacie and me makes our way towards Aubrey, as Beca speaks up: "I'm sorry Aubrey, but I don't think any of us can fly. Your expectations are just too high." Beca says apologetically, while she struggles to hold in a laugh. Aubrey gives her a death glance, and she looses it.
"It's CALLED The Airplane. You don't have to fly around like one. Get it together Mitchell!"
"Okay okay I'm sorry. I will listen." Beca laughs.
Aubrey sighs, but continues the lesson. "Chloe if you would be the base and lay down on you back, and stretch your arms and legs in the air. Yes like that. And Stacie, you can be the flyer. You have to stretch yourself out like a plank, so you can balance on Chloe's feet. When you're ready you spread your arms out to the sides, to imitate the wings of an airplane."
I grab Stacie's hands to help her as she leans over me. I place my feet on her hips, and soon she is balancing only on my feet, arms and legs stretched out. I look at Beca, who seems impressed. I smile proud. She looks at me and gives me a small smile back. I blush a little and look back at Aubrey.
"Good job girls!" Aubrey says happy. "Now go together in groups of 3 people, and do the exercise." Aubrey helps Stacie down and I stand up.

"Chloe? Do you wanna join me and shortie?" Emy asks me.
"Hey, I'm not that small! I'm only a little bit shorter than the rest of you." Beca defends herself and pretends to be mad. She's so cute.
"Yes, of course I will. Shall we begin now?" I ask Emy.
"Yeah we should probably get started before Aubrey gets mad at us." Emy jokes. "If I'm the spotter, then you can be the base and Beca will be the flyer."
Beca immediately protests: "No way! There's no way I'm going to balance on top of Chloe's feet, with YOU to catch me if I fall. I'll be the base. Is that okay Chloe?"
"Totally fine with me." I agree.
Baca lays down and prepares to hold me. I bent forwards and grab her hands. My mind immediately focuses on our intertwined hands, and stops everything else. I'm holding her hands! Not just one of them, but both!!
"Chloe? Chloe!" Emy claps her hands in front of my face, and brings me back to the real word. I blush by embarrassment and look away.
"Are you ready?"
I nod, still too embarrassed to say anything.
Beca places her feet on my hips and lifts me up. I stretch my legs out the same way Stacie did.
"Ready to spread your wings?" Beca asks.
"Wings? Oh my arms! Yes."
"Okay. On three. One, two, three!" We slowly let go of each others hands. I spread out my arms like imaginary wings.
"We did it!" I say triumphant. Beca claps her hands, careful not to shake too much.
"Wooo, Bechloe can do anything!!" Emy cheers.
Beca and me looks at her confused. "What's Bechloe?" We ask in unison.
"Oh you misunderstood me, I clearly said... watch out Chloe."
"For wha..." Suddenly she pushes away Beca's legs and I fall down. I yell for Emy to catch me, but nothing happens. I barely manage to take my arms back in, before I hit the surprisingly soft ground. I hear a low uff and then Emy trying to hold in a laugh. "Urgh Emy, you were supposed to catch me!" I say annoyed.
"Uhm, I didn't catch you because Beca did it for me." She sniggers.
"Wait how is that possible? Beca was the base, she lay under me. It wouldn't be possible for her to catch me unless..." I lift myself up a bit and make eye contact with Beca. "Omg are you okay? I'm so sorry, I should've rolled over to the side instead of just laying here. I'm so so sorry!" I say flustered, and blush like crazy. I try to roll over, but a pair of arms wrap around me and hold me back. "Wait!" Beca says.
"Yeah I know, my whole head looks like a giant tomato." I sigh.
"If that's the case, then it's a very beautiful tomato." Beca winks at me, and my so called beautiful tomato head becomes even more red. "Th-thank you." I murmur. "We should get up before Aubrey gets mad at us, for laying on the floor and doing nothing." I try to get up, but Beca keeps on holding me down. "Becs we have to get up." I giggle.
"No. Not yet." She smirks. I roll my eyes in fun. "Or else?"
"Or else something may happen."
"Like what?"
She quickly pulls me all the way down, making our faces being under an inch apart. I can feel her warm breath on my lips. My breath increases and the blood pounds through my veins.
"This..." She whispers and closes the gap between us. My whole world explodes as I melt into the touch of her lips. It's finally happening. I'm kissing Beca!
I slowly move hands up to gently cup her face. She smiles into the kiss and caresses my waist with her arms. Our lips seems to match perfectly like was it the only purpose they had. To kiss each other, not anything else.

We finally look up, only to see the rest of The Bellas looking at us. Happiness is written all over their faces, especially Emy's. We look back at each other.
"I love you Beca. I've loved you for so long."
"I've loved you since I first saw you."
She looks at me lovingly, before she again closes the gap between us. I can already feel how strong our connection is. I'm in love, and always will be.

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