Chapter 20: Getting AHEAD of Maxwell

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The next day, a doorbell rang echoing through out the lavish mansion that belonged to one Maxwell Smith. Tyler paused cleaning the small area she had been tidying up setting aside the broom she had been using and waltzed towards the door. Tyler look through the peep hole but saw no one. Tyler's hand cautiously gripped the doorknob turning it until she heard a small creak! that signaled the door was now opened.

Tyler pushed the door open and looked around suspiciously until her eyes came upon a medium sized box beside her feet. Curious, Tyler picked up the box then almost dropped it when the sudden weight was placed in her hands. Tyler looked around one last time before she went back inside shutting and locking the door behind her. Tyler managed to lug the box towards one of the fancy tables setting the box down and sighing in relief when she no longer felt the weight in her hands.

A sudden foul odor hit the young women's nose like a freight train and it was coming from the box. It smelled of rotting flesh and hair dye. "What the hell?" Tyler muttered to herself taking a couple deep breaths before reaching out with trembling hands to grip the tape that was holding the box together. With one final deep breath to clear her nerves, Tyler ripped the tape from the box. The box came undone and the sides fell to reveal....

....a human head.

Tyler stood in mortified horror looking at the head that looked like it belonged to a young man once. The hair was dyed white with red color contacts placed carefully into the open eyes, Tyler looked around the box to see if she can find any important information. She froze when she saw it was addressed to her brother, Maxwell. Tyler carefully read what the label said:

To: Maxwell Smith From: An Old Friend

Your problem has been taken care of.

"Problem?" Tyler asked herself but froze when she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Tyler knew it was her brother and she knew deep down he couldn't see the human head on the table. Tyler quickly grabbed the tape and reseated the box turning around to face her brother who had just entered the room as she finished resealing the box. Tyler hid the box with her small but big enough body, smiling at her brother.

Maxwell raised an eyebrow at Tyler's smiling though waved it off in favor of questioning his sister. "Tyler, who was at the door?" The tall blonde asked leaning against the wall for support. "The door? Uh it was no one! Well it was just some kid selling Girl Scout Cookies." Tyler explained to the older man who looked at her with a suspicious look before he shrugged and left the room leaving Tyler to her own devices.

Tyler sighed in relief but that quickly faded when she realized she still had a freaking human head to deal with. Tyler quickly got some new packing tape she had been using to pack away a few of Max's old things and double taped the box shut. Tyler up the tape on the table and grabbed the box. Tyler rushed to the front door grabbing her purse on the way out yelling up the stairs, "I gotta go somewhere. I'll be back, Maxy!" and slammed the door behind her without waiting for a reply.
Lunch had just let out for the Nation's of the world and they were all about to exit the conference when a young women came rushing in holding a medium sized box. "Excuse me? Are jou aloud in here?" A certain German Nation asked arms crossed over his uniform covered chest. The women ignored him and looked around the room until her eyes fell upon the American personification.

She cried out in joy when she saw him and ran towards him with surprising quick speed. "Alfred!" The blacked haired women exclaimed putting the box on the meeting room table to hug Alfred briefly. America hugged his startled friend back looking around the room at the curiosity and confusion dotting everyone's faces. The young women broke the embrace and started babbling in a panicked manner.

Before America could so much as utter a word a voice interrupted his train of thought.

"Amerika, who is this women?"
Oh snap! Looks like Alfie's got some explaining to do. That's all for now folks. Any thoughts to share?

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