Chapter 3

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When she woke up again, it felt like she had fallen asleep just a minute ago. Nevertheless, the sunshine peeking inside from windows told her the new day had begun. Considering for a moment, she got up, silently wrapped her morning gown around herself and backed away from the room. Momentarily, a silent sight froze her at the door, but after she turned around, she saw her partner turning over and continuing dreaming. While he was sleeping, he looked very innocent and pure, like a little child. It contrasted the anxiety and seriousness that occasionally troubled his mind.

The hallways of the castle were quiet at this hour, but Belle felt like something - or someone - had followed her on her every step. This feeling crept into her skin and refused to let go. Instinctively, she took deep breathes and called logic and sense for her benefit. "This castle is my home, I know it like the back of my hand. There's nothing to be afraid of..."

Little by little peace tamed her fears, and she chuckled quietly for her own foolishness. Her imagination had always been unparalleled, but now it seemed to gain completely new dimensions. Quiet and rhythmical steps interrupted her thoughts and made her heart beat louder. Slowly, she turned around...

...and before even realizing it, was laying down on the floor, blinking her eyes, and felt the moist tongue licking her face. A hysterical giggle escaped her lips, when she confronted her threatening adversary. "Froufrou! You surely know how to arrange surprises, don't you?"

The dog lay down on her chest, tilted his head innocently and pushed his snout close to the girl's face - a clear invitation to come and play. His gentle easiness had an effect on Belle as well: she exhaled deeply, relaxed, and hold out her hand to pat him. "Good boy, good boy! Now, let me get up. What should we do next? You deserve something new and special..."

But before she could finish her sentence, she heard new, fast steps and the very familiar, sweet and boyish voice shouting: "Where are you? Come here, you silly dog!"

Pleased, but afraid they would wake up the rest of the castle, Belle raised her voice just a little while answering: "We are here, Chip!"

Ever since arriving for the castle, even when he had been in his other form, the young woman had liked this boy enormously. He often reminded her in a bittersweet way of the joys of childhood innocence and had managed to woke some caring, motherly instincts in her. Whenever Mrs. Potts had been hands full with her own chores, Belle had been delighted to take care of him, wander in the garden with him, played with him and tucked him in. Chip had never mentioned it, but he seemed to like the fact that Belle didn't treat him like a little child. Over time, they had become very close, like brother and sister.

In a minute, a boy appeared around the corner in his own, energetic way, in his beautiful, brown curls. A relieved smile lightened up his face while he run to them and caught the dog in his arms. "There you are, Frou! Lumiere's looking everywhere for you! For a moment I thought you had disappeared somewhere in the woods..." he turned the observant look in his green eyes to the girl. "I hope this hothead didn't scare you."

Belle shook her head, wondering if she looked believable enough, and stood up. "No, I was just... lost in thought."

Chip was really bright and mature for someone his age, but there was no need for worry him about something that he couldn't have an influence on. In order to remove his doubts, she placed her hand on his shoulder and continued promptly to the next subject. "You have done really good job with him. I assume this runaway was just trying to escape bath."

As in confirming this theory, the rogue, that had been the center of their conversation, barked and looked at them, half grumpy, half pleading. After petting him lightly Belle returned to Chip. "It's still early. Shouldn't you be abed?"

Bubbling joy and boyish excitement were like painted on his face when he gazed at her, genuinely astonished. "Are you kidding? This could be the best day ever! How could I possibly sleep when the sun is shining, and there is so much to do?" He jumped once, like confirming his words. "What are you doing here so early?"

His quick-wittiness made Belle answer honestly: "I don't know, actually. I couldn't get sleep and I thought that a little meander would do good."

Momentarily, she thought - and also feared - that the boy wouldn't let it go, but instead he observed her encouragingly and asked: "Could we read again today?"

"Later. I promise." There was no slightest doubt in the girls' answer: this was something she could hold on to - even during a day like this.

"Great!" Chip exclaimed and took off to run back where he came from, Froufrou growling annoyed on his shoulder. Halfway through the hall, however, he halted and turned around hesitantly. "Um... Belle?"

"Yes?" "Nothing too cheesy, okay?"

By force, Belle suppressed her laughter and was seemingly considering the thought, with arms akimbo - but smiled eventually and tilted her head. "What would you say about heroes and daring sword fights?"

"Yes!" the boy cried out triumphantly and threw his fist in the air. The thought clearly gave him some extra-speed when he yet again sprinted and disappeared around the corner.

After a moment of silence Belle kept going, with a subtle smile. Meeting Chip had temporarily helped her to forget her nightmare and brought some happiness, but it wasn't enough to calm the storm that raged on her mind. There was only one place that was able to do it now. Suddenly, what she needed was crystal clear.

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