Chapter 8

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Friends had been so deep in their own little bubble, that they had lost the track of time. However, it became clear for them really fast: they had barely entered the castle's doors, when Mrs. Potts already rushed to them, carrying a small tray. "There you are, we got worried! You both must have had a really hard day, I'm sure. Would you like a cup of tea?"

Her warmth and helpfulness had always touched Belle and she had often turned to her in need of some advice. She was the unconditional mother figure in the castle.

"I'm sorry", she said, sincerely embarrassed. "We were just... going down the memory lane. Oh, dear, I have barely helped you with the arrangements! You have had to do everything all your own!"

"No worries, mademoiselle!" a familiar voice exclaimed to her at the top of the stairs with a strong accent, and its owner started to come down the steps. "You can make it up by your enchanting dance tomorrow."

"Lumiere..." Belle's tone was slightly berating, but she couldn't help smiling when he saw the man, who had brought - literally - so much light to all of their lives. His confidence and ability to indulge never ceased to amaze her: he always seemed to be comfortable in his own skin and stepped into every space like he had owned it, but wasn't arrogant in the slightest. Belle knew more than well that she was in eternal obligation to him: without his resilience and plans all of this would have never become possible. They both had fought for their love and won.

Lumiere was the only one, who never, even by request, called her by her given name. Time and time again and by many word translations, Belle had tried to change that, but had soon realized it to be nothing but a doomed fight. It was his way to tease and honor her - benevolently, of course.

When Belle had hugged him, LeFou noted: "You know what? Tea doesn't sound like a bad idea at all."

Before Mrs. Potts had time to carry out his wish, Madame De Garderobe swayed into the hall, with her typical theatricality, and said mystically: "Actually, I have better idea - and my intention is not to deny the worth of your services", she added favorably to Mrs. Potts, who nodded with a smile on her face.

"You have been asked to come to the West Wing."

Confusion filled LeFou's face and he gazed around, as if he wanted to check if he had certainly been addressed. "What?"

A pleasant warmth spread on Belle while she thought of Stanley, who, undoubtedly, had spent many moments planning this night. It shouldn't be allowed to go to waste, so she pushed her friend gently towards the stairs. "Stop questioning and go!"

After the moment of hesitation, the youngster, smiling bashfully, did as he was told.

"Oh, young love!" Madame sighed, watching him leave, and turned back to girl. "Belle, may I have a word with you, alone? I want to show you something."

Confused, Belle agreed and they briskly went up to upper floors of the castle. Countless questions came unheard: mistress' lips were sealed the whole time. She lead Belle to the same room, where they had discussed earlier and closed the door after her. "There. We cannot take the risk someone comes to disturb."

Excited butterflies flared in Belle's stomach while she pleaded to the lady once more. "Please, just tell me what this is about! I'm getting worried."

"Patience is a virtue, young lady", Mrs. Garderobe said slightly patronizingly, went to one of the closets and took something from there. "I wanted to hear your opinion about...this."

A delighted young maiden sighed and her hand flew reflexively on her mouth. Madame held the most beautiful dress she had ever laid eyes on. Affection filled her mind, since she noticed that it looked almost the same as the one she had been wearing during her and Adam's first dance - and, if possible, even more stunning. It exuded the glamour and sublimity of their time, but - most importantly - it would also certainly feel comfortable and being and moving in it would be easy. "It is wonderful! Thank you, you shouldn't have to... I really don't know what to say!"

Often, Madame tried to cover up her feelings underneath the pompous mask, but this time she let her joy and pride reflect clearly on her face. "It's poetic justice that you get something special on this extraordinary day."

Guilty about the fate of her earlier dress bothered Belle and lady's current kindness and common way to treat clothes like the larges of gold increased it even more: once, she had threw the garment on the ground without a second thought when she had left the village for the castle, and it had stayed there. But when she tried to apologize for that, madame just waved her hand dismissively. "No matter! It was an inevitable choice. Besides, a little refining did wonders for it." Pleased, she exhaled and clapped hastily. "Well, try it on! In my human form, I don't have full abilities to do it for you anymore."

Belle had never been focused on appearances or considered her clothes that important, but lady's enthusiasm had a habit of affecting on her as well. When she reappeared and twirled a couple times experimentally, even the greatest singer of the castle was speechless for a moment. Then she did something she had never done before. She wrapped her arms around the girl she had learned to call a friend and see almost as a daughter, and hugged her, whispering: "Thank you for everything."

Surprised by the gesture and its sincerity, Belle answered the hug the best she could. "You all did the biggest work. I was just a contributor."

"Don't", Madame interrupted her emphatically, shaking her head and let go. "Don't underestimate yourself. It was our luck that our kingdom got itself such a beautiful and strong princess."

Those words made Belle blush gently, and as her surprise, she noticed that the lady had become affective. It was like she had taken off all of the typical theatricality around her and talked to her like an equal. "I know that you don't consider yourself one, but that is who you are. Inside and out. You will accomplice great things in your life. We all believe so."

Belle was struck by the kind of happiness she had never thought to be possible. Madame had no idea how much those words meant to her. She also knew that there was no way to describe it to her, so she just settled for saying, from the bottom of her heart: "Thank you."

This time, she spontaneously spread her hands for a hug and pressed her head against Madam's shoulder. She felt completely serene and calm, like she had received a new kind of power from her.

After a while, the lady loosened her grip, wiped rapidly her eyes and went to open the door, returning back to her own, ceremonial state. "Look, how the time flies! The guests are waiting."

Aspiring the same kind of festivity, Belle nodded and let her lead her forward. Nervous anticipation and thrill seemed to grow in her by every step. Her friend sensed it and stopped her right before the landing. "You have nothing to worry about. You are gorgeous. Yet, a finishing touch..."

She took her by surprise by digging a simple but beautiful silver necklace out of her pocket. Its center was decorated by a small diamond. Before Belle had time to deter her, that little treasure had found its natural place on her clavicle.

Encouragingly, Madame grazed her cheek and said quietly: "This is your night. Enjoy it."

By her words, Belle felt certitude growing on her and relaxing her whole essence. That's exactly what she was going to do. Now it was time to have fun. After everything they had been through, they had truly deserved it.

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