Pastel, and Sunset were snooping in the lake in front of El Capatino. It snows every winter and makes a little wet river when it melts.
"So brrrrr f..fridged and l..lig..light," shivered Sunset. Pastel knew what was going to happen. She forced her sunglasses.
"Shhhhhhhh you're gonna cause an avalanche!" shushed Pastel. "OHHHHHHH Oh oh! YOU SURE? SUre Sure sure?" echoed Sunset. The twins argued so loud, Pastel never knew WHO was rumbling. "Is that you're tummy?" asked Sunset.
Pastel did start puberty a day ago so she was like, "probably,"
But when she saw frost all over her, she knew something wasn't right. But a big pile of snow came pouring down. "Got an idea!" "what?" "we need to-" "RUN!"
Sunset was a fast runner, PASTEL? Not-so-much.
Sunset hid inside a cave. "Phew, right Pastel? Pastel! Pastel...? PASTEL!" Sunset ran out of the cave. Not carring weather or not she was going to get hypothirmia. "Were are you going? Its so lonely here," asked a shaky voice. "Instead of sitting around joking, how about help me Moon,"
Moon is Sunset's boyfriend.
He lothes helping.
He hates that.
Next chaper?
Lets see!
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